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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1398

Melissa approached slowly and reluctantly to the door of the ward. Even though she felt humiliated that Charles had yelled at her in public because of Sheryl, his stern look made her feel afraid.

Charles didn't want to ruin Sheryl's feelings and mood by speaking in front of her, so he followed Melissa out and closed the door quietly behind. Leila felt awkward being alone with Sheryl, so she left the room right after Charles. When she stepped out of the room, she heard Charles scolding Melissa in the corridor.

"Mom! Did you forget what I told you? You and Leila cannot to leave Dream Garden before I find out who wanted to kill Sheryl. Why don't you listen to me? Don't you regard my words seriously?" Charles said harshly, staring at Melissa with a stern look on his face.

Melissa didn't dare look Charles in the eye. She turned away from Charles' tongue-lashing and knew that she was out of line for shouting at Sheryl just now.

"I...I'm here to see how Sheryl is doing! What's wrong with that? I'm just trying to be nice," Melissa explained, stammering.

"You? Being nice? Have you already forgotten that you shouted at Sher just a few moments ago? Mom, Sher is really sick now. She needs as much peace as possible and to rest. You would never have shouted at her if you were genuinely trying to be nice to her!" Charles said furiously.

His heart was full of anger, and he shouted at Melissa, unleashing all of his anger and frustration out on her.

"Mom, I warn you, for the last time. If I catch you disturbing Sher again, I assure you that I'll kick you out of Dream Garden and never see you again!" Charles was so disappointed in Melissa, so he made himself very clear that this was her last chance.

Melissa froze, feeling shocked and startled by what Charles had just threatened her with. It was as if she had been struck by lightning.

After a while, she finally opened her mouth and said meekly, "Charles, I won't do it again. I did only come here to see how Sheryl was doing. However, she didn't greet me nicely, and that's why I lost my temper. I didn't mean any of it."

She grabbed Charles by the sleeve pleading with him. Melissa was afraid that he would kick her out of Dream Garden.

She knew her son very well. If he had made a decision, he would see it through. If Melissa didn't admit that she was wrong, she might end up being kicked out and left on the streets.

Melissa regretted having yelled at Sheryl. She didn't expect that Charles would have heard what she said and care so much about Sheryl. Melissa misjudged him and never thought that Charles would dare to kick her out just because of Sheryl.

Again, she begged anxiously, "Charles, I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I'll apologize to Sheryl immediately." With that, she rushed to Sheryl's room so fast that Charles didn't have the chance to stop her.

Even though Melissa was his mother, and he respected her, she had crossed the line so many times that Charles had to warn her for the last time. If she kept hurting Sheryl's feelings, then he was left with no other choice but to kick her out.

Charles was overwhelmed with stress. He didn't know where Shirley was, and Sheryl was in the hospital because someone had tried to kill her. Meanwhile, the mastermind behind it all remained still at large. However, his mother didn't seem to understand the severity of the situation. Instead of being supportive and helpful, she seemed to keep stirring up trouble. Charles didn't have the stamina to deal with it any longer.


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