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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1404

Leila was astounded by Sheryl's statement. Though she was determined to deny everything that Sheryl accused her of, she hadn't expected that Sheryl reserved some evidence. Sheryl's tone sounded so determined that Leila couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. Leila was so overcome with panic and pressure that she collapsed onto the ground.

'Has she known all along that I was behind Shirley's kidnapping? But, how could she pretend that she knew nothing? I nearly strangled her to death! Was that all part of her show?' Leila questioned herself still in a state of bewilderment.

The thought of it all sent a cold shiver down Leila's spine even though she was still in denial and only half accepted the truth. Leila suddenly realized that Sheryl was even more adept at tricks and plots than she was. She had endured much suffering for so long and was even willing to put her life on the line to play it out. Leila wondered why Sheryl chose this moment to inform and threaten her.

'This woman is terrifying! I can't allow Charles to know the evidence, ' Leila thought still in a state of panic.

As long as the evidence wouldn't come into Charles' ears, then no matter how much Charles doubted Leila, she could keep a feigned face of innocence. Then Charles couldn't do anything to her, and she could remain at Dream Garden.

However, Leila couldn't afford to take the risk of Charles finding out about the evidence against her. If he knew that Leila even had attempted to kill his wife, then what would he do to punish Leila for it?

'What would he think of me? A wicked woman? An unsavory seductress who has only one purpose and that is to ruin his happy family?

Then how would he punish me? Show me indifference? Reprimand me to my face? Or even worse, put me in prison?' Countless miserable pictures of her demise flashed before her eyes.

Her mind was in complete and utter chaos. Her head felt like it was in a vise and about to explode. No matter how hard she tried to calm herself to stop thinking about it all, it was of no use. He brain was rambling out of control.

It was terrible enough for Leila to cope with the fact that her love wasn't reciprocated by the man she loved so dearly, and the thought of Charles detesting her for what she did was like rubbing salt in an open wound. Leila couldn't bear the thought of Charles hating her. If that happened, it would cast a heavy shadow in her life as an eternal nightmare.

'No, that won't happen! Because I won't allow it to happen! There must be a way out, ' Leila thought with determination. Her face creased into a deep frown as she seriously considered the feasibility of giving Shirley back. If Sheryl meant every word that she had said, then it would be best if Leila cooperated and brought her daughter back. As long as Leila brought Sheryl's daughter back to her, then Sheryl promised to forgive her for the failed murder attempt on her life and Charles would never learn that it was Leila who was behind it all.

'However, if I hand over Shirley, that will be a confession to Sheryl that I am a part of her daughter's kidnapping. Then Charles would know that I am the mastermind behind it all. No...I can just hand Shirley over but deny any involvement. I can say that I know nothing!'

Although the silence only lasted a minute to Sheryl, it was an eternity. She was ready to kill her. Just like Leila, her mind was in absolute turmoil. Sheryl was so tense that she felt like she was about to jump out of her skin. The tension in the air was so thick, and Sheryl could hear the sound of her heartbeat pounding. She held her breath while waiting to see whether Leila would take the bait, and her hands began to tremble with the anticipation. If Leila saw through the trap and denied anything to do with Shirley's kidnapping, then Sheryl would have no other tactic to use against her.

Both of their minds were struggling during the silence. Sheryl's hands became clammy, and beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. 'What shall I do if Leila doesn't believe what I said? After all, I'm threatening her, without any hard evidence.'

That night when Leila attempted to kill her by strangling her, Sheryl had been caught by surprise. She only had seconds to react, and there was no time to get any proof.

Sheryl had no choice but to try and bluff Leila into returning her daughter to her as soon as possible. She had to give it a try even risking that such a bold act could raise Leila's awareness or anger her and put herself into harm's way again.

Sheryl anxiously waited for Leila's response. She even held her breath to erase any possible noise. As a result, every second seemed to lengthen, leaving her even more uneasy.

Finally, Leila's dull voice rang out from the phone.

"Sheryl, I really have no idea where Shirley is hidden. I'll reach out to all of my contacts to find her. I promise you that Shirley will be brought home safely. In exchange, you have to keep the evidence away from Charles. He can't know anything about it!"

"I'm not interested in whether you know where Shirley is or not. All I want is Shirley back home! That's all I care about! As to whom you're going to turn to for help and how you are about to carry out your promise. I don't care! As long as you bring her home, I'll give all the credit to you. And about what you did to me, I'm willing to let it stay in the past. I assure you that Charles will never know what you did. You'll still be allowed to stay at Dream Garden."


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