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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1412

"I'm leaving, Sheryl. I got other plans for today. I'll visit you again another time. Please take care and get well soon," Nick said apologetically and stood up.

Sheryl got no other means but to nod at him, "Okay, see you next time. Don't forget to take a break and have your meals on time, no matter how busy you are. Health is fundamental to our body."

Nick smiled and nodded in approval, and then left the ward.

On the other side of the hospital, Cassie wished that she got wings to fly to Sheryl's ward right away. She knew Nick might already be there.

But as a professional, she could never leave her patient unattended, especially when she was currently on duty in the emergency department. This emergency case was actually no big deal, although his forehead and arms were soaked in blood. But the patient was bleeding out of traumas, not due to injury on any of his internal organs.

She checked how the patient was doing, disinfected and dressed his wounds in an orderly way. The rest of the work would be for the doctor. Shortly after she was done, the doctor on duty hurried into the emergency room. Cassie briefed him about the situation and then rushed out of the room, hoping to still catch Nick with Sheryl.

She tried to run faster, not paying much attention to the way, until a man showed up in front of her abruptly.

Cassie stopped as the guy blocked her way. She stamped her feet anxiously and then looked up to see who it was.

To her great surprise, it was someone she knew, Cora's elder brother.

Cassie sighed impatiently, but she had to greet him.

"Hey, Jordan! Nice to meet you. But what are you doing here? Looking for Cora or seeing a doctor?" she asked, forcing a smile on her face.

Jordan stared at her with eager eyes, slobbering her pretty face in his mind. He put on a bright smile and gently replied, "I got some good news, Cassie. Would you like to join me and Cora for lunch this noon? I can't wait to tell you!"

Cassie bit her lip to hold back her anxiety, thinking hard on how to get rid of Jordan.

'Such a weird guy, ' Cassie thought. He could've celebrated his good news with his sister or any of his friends, but why her? They barely knew each other.

But she couldn't speak her criticism loud. She had to show some respect. After all, he was Cora's elder brother. Although her eagerness to see Nick was burning inside, she had to watch her words. "Congratulations. But I'm sort of busy today. I'm afraid I have to work this noon. Thank you for the invitation anyway. Please just take Cora to lunch. I had to go now!" Cassie tried to side-step but Jordan stepped to block her again.

"No, I insist. I've gotten a reservation in Fortune Restaurant. I've told Cora to bring you along. It's no trouble at all, and you need to have lunch anyway. I'll wait until you're available. It won't take you long, right? Please don't turn me down," Jordan addressed with both emotion and reason.

Cassie felt like a cat on hot bricks. She wanted to directly refuse him, but if he kept talking, it would definitely waste more of her time. On the other hand, she didn't feel it was right to go to lunch with him against her will. All her attention was on Nick now. She needed to see him right away and deal with the mess between them.

She must hurry up. Otherwise she would come to naught when Nick had gone.

On a sudden inspiration, she said, "I really have no idea when I can go to lunch, Jordan. Here is my suggestion. You and Cora should go first, and I'll come right after. It's Fortune Restaurant, right? Please don't wait for me. I can just hail a taxi. Okay?"

Jordan hesitated for a second. He sensed there was something wrong about the young lady in front of him, but he couldn't put a finger on it. She had turned down his suggestion of going out a couple times before, but it felt nothing like now. It was obvious that she had something on her mind, and it was urgent.

Right at that moment, Jordan spotted a familiar figure from afar approaching them from behind Cassie.

He fixed his eyes on the man and realized it was Nick.


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