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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1415

After Shirley came back, she became more dependent than normal on her parents. Whenever they weren't around, she would become tense and burst into tears.

Naturally, Shirley's sensitive behavior drew Charles' attention. Perhaps his daughter was suffering from some type of mental illness? He couldn't wait to make an appointment with a psychologist. However, the doctor was only available the next day.

Burnt out from anxiety, Charles went out of Melissa's bedroom. Melissa's nerves were on edge. Finally, she sighed in relief when Charles left and shut the door. Her heartbeat slowed down a little, but she felt her feet turn into jelly, and she couldn't support herself anymore. Her body fell down on the bed as if she'd lost her bones.

Melissa had been trying to avoid Charles' gaze recently. She felt drained whenever she looked into her son's eyes. The truth was that she felt rather uncomfortable that her authority in the whole family was challenged.

After she calmed herself down, she started to think seriously about how to convince Leila out of Dream Garden, and keep her quiet to avoid exposure of her involvement. The frown on her face deepened and her mind became more tense. After a while, she closed her eyes and shut her mind in an attempt to restart her thoughts.

The next morning

The smell of eggs and bacon wafted in the dining room. After a few minutes, Melissa stood up from her seat and walked towards Leila. "Leila, let's take a stroll down the street. We haven't done that in a while," she beamed.

As Melissa talked to Leila, she intentionally got closer to her in an attempt to foster kindness to Leila. Her face looked friendly and inviting. However, her sudden acts of being nice aroused Leila's suspicion.

A frown creased Leila's face as she felt a little concerned. At that moment, she realized that Melissa wasn't asking for something so simple as going out for a walk.

However, she didn't have a choice but to accept Melissa's invitation in case she would get annoyed. For Leila, it wasn't wise to irritate Melissa now.

"Sure, let's go for a walk!" Leila said with a nod.

At a coffee shop

It had been a few minutes since Leila and Melissa had been strolling outside. When they passed by a coffee shop, Melissa pretended her feet were sore and asked to enter the coffee shop to rest a bit.

"Leila, let's have coffee here, so I could rest a bit," Melissa suggested. Still, Leila had easily detected the faint trace of indifference in Melissa's tone. It was clear that Melissa was trying to hide some feelings behind her words.

Leila was almost sure about what Melissa wanted to say, but if that was true—she didn't want to listen. She suddenly felt quite anxious. Besides, she couldn't help but be cautious and wary when she recalled that Sheryl once offered to make a deal with her.

In the silence, Leila prayed that Melissa wouldn't say anything yet because she wanted to mentally prepare herself. However…

"Leila, I have to tell you—we all know that it was you who orchestrated the kidnapping. Now for your own good, I strongly advise you to move out of Dream Garden as soon as possible. But don't worry too much, I'll help you find a new place…" Melissa blurted out of the blue.

As she spoke to Leila, she didn't feel confident enough and kept her gaze on Leila's reaction. She had expected that Leila might overreact to her words, so it was why she decided to talk about the issue in a public place.

Leila's face suddenly blanched as she mentally questioned herself, 'We all know? What do you mean by that? Does everyone include Charles?' Leila couldn't believe her ears.

She found it so unacceptable. She had never thought that Charles had known her plan. She couldn't even imagine how Charles felt when he knew that it was she who had kidnapped his daughter. At that moment, all she felt in her heart was bleeding and pain.


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