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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1425

The doctor realized how serious Cassie's words were. It would definitely affect the hospital's reputation. After all, those were their patients Cassie was referring to.

And if it would be proven correct, it would be the biggest scandal of the year. Who would want to bring their loved ones to a hospital where its staff poisoned the patients anyway? No one would trust the hospital and its doctors any more.

Therefore, the doctor thought it would be a good idea to check her story out. The sooner the truth came out, it would be better for everyone. "Okay, I will test the medicine right away. I will let you know as soon as the result comes out."

Sheryl and Cassie looked at each other and nodded at the doctor.

"Would it be okay if we just stay here and wait for the result? We can't do anything else anyway, since I'm so occupied by this," asked Sheryl. The doctor agreed. Sheryl sat in the waiting area, together with Cassie, who had asked for a half-day leave to accompany her.

Half an hour later, the doctor was walking towards them with the result in his hand. Sheryl and Cassie stood up and walked towards him. When the doctor was in a hearing distance, safe to talk without anybody overhearing him, he said, "We found a trace of a poison in the medicine with an incubation period of one week. On the second week, the poison will start to kick in. People who were injected with it will die within days. If that happens, there is nothing we can do to help them."

It surprised Cassie. She knew Lillian was a shady character, and that Lillian might do something to hurt Sheryl. But it never occurred to her that Lillian's real objective was to kill Sheryl. Cassie really found the situation confusing since she knew Sheryl had nothing against Lillian. Moreover, Sheryl was always nice to people around her. She was sure Sheryl would never do something to hurt Lillian's feelings.

Figuring out Lillian's motive was number one on Cassie's list. And, she should find it out as soon as possible. Who the hell would know what and when Lillian's next move would be? Sheryl and she were vulnerable starting right at the moment. They weren't safe until this was solved.

A shiver ran down Sheryl's spine, too. She thought that Lillian was a nice professional nurse who would take good care of her patients. But now, everything changed after she found out that Lillian tried to murder her. If Cassie didn't get to her in time, she would die a week later. What Lillian did really freaked her out.

Thinking so hard, Sheryl tried to figure out Lillian's motivation. But, she got nothing! As she stood in front of the office, she suddenly realized she didn't know who to trust any more.

Sheryl's instincts made her grabbed Cassie's arm tightly to hold herself up. She was on the verge of collapsing.

High on alert, Cassie held Sheryl immediately. As she looked at Sheryl, she felt sorry for her. She seated her to a bench nearby. To help ease Sheryl's burden, she gave her a hug. She hoped her small gesture would calm her down and clear her mind.

"Cassie, I really don't understand it. Why would this happen to me? I mean, why would Lillian do something so terrible to me?" Sheryl broke down.

The sadness and confusion in Sheryl's teary eyes hurt Cassie.

"All of this is not your fault. Stop tormenting yourself!" Cassie gently patted her on her shoulders.

With a profound understanding of herself, Sheryl knew she was so fragile at the moment. She knew she wasn't at fault here, but she couldn't help questioning herself.

Who would want to be murdered? Definitely not her! Whatever the reason behind, she did not want to see herself six feet under the ground. She also did not like feeling scared all the time. She definitely did not want to always look at her shoulders, wondering who among the people walking behind her would want to kill her.

"Stop worrying, Sher. We'll call the police and let them handle this. I am sure that Lillian will not get away with this. She will face justice. What matters most is that you are safe now. We'll go home now, okay?"

And then, there was silence. After a while, Sheryl bit her lips and shook her head.

Seeing how upset Sheryl was, Cassie thought the only thing she could do now was accompany her. Just maybe, the small act would help Sheryl feel better.

The doctor also gave Sheryl an apologetic look as his way of comforting her. Then, he walked to a corner to call the director of hospital. It would be best to report it. For if something untoward happened, the director would be ready armed with the knowledge of the situation.


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