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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1432

The night seemed endless for Lillian. Everywhere she looked, she saw horrors and despair. They were like huge hurricanes leaving her no space to breathe.

Curling up like an animal in a cage, she gathered all her strength to fight her despair.

Going back to all the events that happened, she thought of the worst possible consequence she would ever receive. 'If Felix sees me as useless and doesn't need me anymore, he will abandon me for sure. If that happens, I will have to save myself. I can't just sit here and do nothing. I don't want to die.'

Lillian continued to contemplate her next moves. 'The best way to get out of this situation is to escape. I should go to a place where no one knows me. I can go abroad. That will be a brand new life for me. I can start all over again.'

But, a side of her still wanted to wait for Felix. 'What if Felix has thought of a better solution?'

If there would be another way out, she would take that risk. Deep inside her, she never wanted to run away. For if she did, she would live under an assumed name—take another identity. That would mean hiding for the rest of her life. The worst of it, she would never see Felix again.

If so, she would lose the true meaning of her life again. She didn't want to live without the person she truly loved.

Then, her eyes shifted to the door. She had been waiting for quite a long time now. Unfortunately, nothing could be heard at the other side of the door.

Slowly, the hope in her eyes faded away, little by little, until everything was gone like a fire extinguished.

Meanwhile, in the alley behind the hospital, a shadow could be seen sneaking out of the hospital in the darkness.

In the corner was a garbage bin. Standing beside it was a woman covered all over in black. Her long hair was hidden under a cap, and her face was under a big pair of sunglasses. If anyone saw her, one would think her attire was inappropriate in the middle of the night.

When Felix walked pass by the woman, he heard his name called out softly.

The mysterious woman tried to put up with the disgusting smell from the garbage. She had been waiting for Felix for a long time. Finally, the guy already got off work and arrived there in the alley to meet her.

What a relief for Leila to see Felix coming at last!

Hearing a voice in the dark calling out his name, Felix suddenly got scared. It took him around three seconds to recognize the voice.

He looked back to the direction of the voice. The move cast moonlight all over his face, showing how twisted and terrifying it looked.

"I brought you the thing." Leila spoke so softly, which suited their setting.

Nodding hesitantly, Felix shifted his eyes to the hand extended to him. He was contemplating whether to take it or not. He knew its power, and he just wanted to avoid it.

In Leila's hand was a small bag of poisonous powder.

As seconds ticked by, Felix's eyes slowly widened. What was actually happening was slowly sinking in on him. He just couldn't make his hand to reach out to receive the bag.

Meanwhile, Leila was silently watching Felix. She was not in a hurry. She knew the battle within him. Nevertheless, she exactly knew the choice Felix would make.

At last, Felix started to move. He extended his hand towards Leila. When his hand touched the bag, his body shook as if he was under an electric shock.

But mind overpowered the emotions. Firmly deciding, he took the bag.

"Everything is on you now, Dr. Zhang. Don't let me down," Leila said.

Despite of the moonlight, only half of Leila's face was visible. Whatever light shone through, it didn't help in recognizing her.


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