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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1438

After listening to Felix's explanation through the phone, Leila realized that all pieces of evidence were destroyed. This information left her feeling relieved.

"All right. You've done very well," Leila said. Deep down, regret was eating her. She was disappointed for not being able to kill Sheryl successfully. But she consoled herself thinking they were lucky for not being in trouble. If things went well, then she might get another chance to take revenge in the future. This hopeful thought lifted her spirit. Just when she was calm, Felix began to speak.

"Now it is time to talk about my payment. I know we didn't succeed in this mission, but you have to remember that I put myself in such a huge risk. Don't you think I deserve a reward for it?" he demanded. There was a tone of authority in his voice.

Leila felt anger surge through her body as she heard his words. Her face distorted and depicted the disgust she was feeling inside. 'Look at his audacity! After everything he has done, he dares to ask me for the payment. He screwed everything up and had us all worried. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have had to go through such a big risk, ' Leila thought to herself.

'If it was up to me, I wouldn't pay him a penny!' her mind screamed.

However, she didn't want to make Felix angry at that moment, so she said, "I know that you've handled a lot of stress throughout this mission. However, business is business. You didn't give me what I wanted. Instead, you created a mess. Do you actually think you deserve the money you asked for?"

Felix couldn't believe his own ears. 'So I won't be paid? Is she trying to imply that all my efforts have gone in vain?' he wondered anxiously. He couldn't bear this thought anymore.

"Leila, you are crossing your line! I took up a job in which I could have gotten myself killed! Don't expect a free service from me!"

Felix roared through the phone.

"Calm down, Felix. Don't jump to conclusions now. How about we both step back a little? I will pay you but only half of what was promised. How do you feel about it?" Leila reasoned calmly.

At this crucial moment, Leila couldn't afford to take any risks. If she continued to argue, Felix could betray her. Therefore, her only option was to comfort him.

Felix, on the other hand, realized that if he insisted on getting all the money, he might end up getting nothing. So he decided to settle for what was being given to him.

"All right. I will agree with half of the payment. But I can't stand any delays. Transfer the money to my account as soon as possible. I need it today!" Felix declared with an undertone of rage. No matter what, he just couldn't bring himself to talk to Leila in a friendly manner. Every time he thought of the other half of his payment, a fierce emotion of anger overtook him. 'Half of my payment vanished!' he thought furiously.

"Okay, I'll transfer the money immediately. I hope you understand that our deal has come to an end. After this, we will never try to contact each other. Do you get it?" Leila said in a professional tone.

"You don't need to point it out! I have no desire to contact you!" he barked. This was an agreement they had already discussed. He was more than happy to cut all ties with Leila. 'She knows about the crime I have committed. I want nothing to do with her, ' he thought to himself. His plan was to stay as far away from Leila as he could.

As soon as Felix got the money, he began deleting all the contact information and chatting records between the two of them. He wanted to erase it all and succeeded in removing it from his phone. Unfortunately, the memories remained etched in his mind with vivid clarity.

There was a part of Felix that feared he would never get a sound sleep again. Those terrors were imprinted in his heart. Perhaps, they would stay there forever. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed impossible to ever forget it. Maybe those memories would haunt him in his sleep. He might have to experience the horrible things all over again.

After Leila dealt with Felix's issue, she went back to her house feeling fatigued.


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