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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1440

However, Cora wanted to get to the bottom of this. She kept asking Cassie who it was.

After beating around the bushes for too long, Cassie ran out of excuses and had to tell Cora the truth.

"Well, I'm seeing Nick tonight."

"Whoa, I see. It's that mysterious Nick. When am I going to meet him?"

Cassie answered shyly, "He's a little introvert. So he doesn't know how to interact with people."

"Well, I am your best friend. It's only right for me to meet your boyfriend. Come on, Cassie. I want to meet him," Cora teased Cassie. She was excited that Cassie seemed happy with Nick, although she felt sorry for her brother, knowing that Jordan was out of the game.

"Okay, I will let you two meet when he's not so busy." Cassie finally gave in. She knew that Cora wouldn't just stop until she said yes anyway.

Actually, Cassie herself wasn't sure whether Nick would agree to meet Cora. After all, she couldn't see Nick now.

After leaving the hospital, Cassie decided to drop by the supermarket to buy some fresh vegetables for tonight's soup.

Although she was exhausted from all day's work, Cassie didn't bother about buying ingredients and cooking when she got home. She was happy that she could see Nick soon and they might even resolve all conflicts between them. She wanted to continuously practice on her cooking skills so that she could prepare a wonderful meal for Nick when that day came.

Therefore, no matter how tired she was, it would be worth it.

On the other hand, Cora went straight home after work. Pushing the door open, Cora found it odd.

She was confused to find the living room so dark. Reaching out to the switch, she flicked it on. Cora almost had a heart attack when she saw a person seated on the sofa.

'What the heck? Someone is at home!' she thought. She was not expecting to see anyone. She thought that her parents were out and her brother hadn't come home yet.

"Jordan, why didn't you turn on the light? What were you doing sitting in the dark? You scared me." Cora immediately recognized her brother, Jordan. She placed her bag on top of the table, walked towards him, and then sat down right beside him.

Jordan remained silent, unmoving.

Cora looked at him with confusion, noticing that his face was gloomy.

'Is it about work?' Cora wondered. He appeared low-spirited.

"Jordan, at least say something. You're scaring me. Is there anything wrong at work?" Cora couldn't hide the concern in her voice.

"Nothing," Jordan answered a few seconds later. His voice sounded hoarse.

Hearing the harshness in his voice, Cora thought that he was sick. "Jordan, if you're not feeling well, you should go see a doctor," she reminded him. "Please don't act like Cassie. Whenever I ask how she's feeling, she says she's okay. But I know she's not. She looks very pale."

"What happened to Cassie?" Jordan asked with concern. The name of Cassie was enough to get his attention. Something passed his eyes.

But Cora didn't notice that. "When we got off work today, I noticed that she didn't look so well. I asked her to see a doctor, but she insisted that she was just tired from work. She said that she would be fine after she took some rest. So I invited her to dinner, but she declined, saying that she has a date..."


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