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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1442

"Leila," the manager called as soon as Leila's hand reached the door handle. It appeared like she was about to say something, but finally she didn't. When Leila looked at her doubtfully, she waved her hands and asked her to leave.

The manager kneaded her forehead. She felt so worried about Leila. She didn't know what that client would do to Leila that night, but she knew that he wouldn't go easy on her and that Leila was not going to be happy about it.

Colorful ray of lights alternately beamed from the center of the dark club. On the dance floor, people were dancing like crazy. They were shaking their bodies and dancing to the rhythm of music, like there was nothing they would worry about at all. Everyone was into the loud upbeat music and the dance.

Leila was sitting in a VIP room in the nightclub. From time to time, she lifted the curtain to watch the people on the dance floor. She had an urge to run out of the room to join all those people in venting all their stress on the dance floor.

But when she thought about the person who was sitting next to her, she could do nothing but to suppress that urge. This man, who was sitting beside her, had his hand moving all over her body.

This client of Leila was an upstart who had a lot of money. He attempted to take Leila to a hotel the other day, but Leila refused. Every time he called Leila to accompany him, she felt it was so difficult to deal with him.

And at that night, that client asked Leila again to get out of the nightclub and go to a hotel with him. "Leila, how about you go with me tonight? And we will have some real fun together."

Leila managed a smile, looking embarrassed. "Conan, you know about me. I don't get fun out of the nightclub. I only serve you with my accompany in the nightclub. I can talk to you and drink with you, but I'm not coming home with you," Leila refused.

Conan came closer to Leila and whispered a high price in her ear. He knew that the price he gave was quite impressive, so he was confident that it would make her change her mind.

'She works in this nightclub simply because she needs money. So money is all I need to convince her. It's that simple. If she is clever, she will say yes, ' Conan thought.

However, contrary to his expectation, Leila refused again. And that made him angry. He felt that Leila was not giving him face, so he looked at Leila with an unhappy look.

Leila noticed the change in his expression, she felt so afraid. Although she felt that she was shaking inside, she gathered her strength to look Conan back in the eye and showed how determined she was.

"I'm going to ask you again. Are you going, or not?" Conan's anger was going to burst out of his eyes.

However, Leila shook her head firmly.

"Leila, I'm giving you a nice offer. Try to refuse me again and I'm going to give you a better one," he said, gritting his teeth. He grabbed Leila's arm so tightly that it left some bruises on her arm.

Leila wanted to cry out in pain, but when she saw Conan's unhappy face, she lost all courage to do so.

But what Leila didn't expect was that her nightmare didn't stop there. After Conan gave her his last warning and not received her positive response, he made a gesture towards the people at the door.

Then, a few strong men came in front of them quickly. They were all tall and muscular.

They lined up in front of them, their bodies almost blocking all possible way out. Leila was terrified. Tears started running down her cheeks.

She didn't know what Conan wanted to accomplish in calling these bodyguards into the room, but she had a bad feeling about what was going on.

Leila gathered her courage and tried to break through the wall that these men built. She wanted to get out of that place, but the bodyguards stopped her. They didn't even have to try so hard.

"Conan, what do you mean? Why are you doing this?" Leila's voice was shaking. She could no longer hide her fear. She could feel that her hands and feet are getting cold.


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