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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1451

Leila's expression was a mix of sentiment and happiness, as she pretended to pour her heart out to Melissa. To kindle Melissa's compassion, she deliberately made her lips to tremble and her voice turned into sobs.

Melissa couldn't help but sink into Leila's words. As she looked into her tear-filled eyes, Melissa started to feel what Leila was trying to make her feel. Just as Leila had said, back when they were in prison, she really had received much care and help from Leila.

Those memories softened Melissa's heart. Leila's red eyes made her feel sorry for her.

Clearly, Leila was in trouble and desperately needed her help. Melissa tried, but failed to harden her heart. When she had planned to meet Leila, Melissa had made up her mind to do nothing but pay a courtesy visit. As far as Melissa was concerned, this meeting was just a kind gesture. She had planned to listen to her sobbing stories, but had no intention of helping Leila with her issues. Helping Leila at such a moment was not wise. She didn't want to go looking for trouble.

But after hearing Leila's words, Melissa was confused. Leila had taken care of her in the past, and she couldn't just abandon her when she was in a dark place. She felt the sudden need to help her. When she saw that Melissa's determination was wavering, Leila knew that it was time to take full advantage.

Melissa's visibly moved countenance brought much comfort to Leila. Without wasting another second, Leila continued her bitter words. "Back in the days, we were in a terrible place in our lives. But every time I brought myself back up, and I could taste the trace of sweetness from those hard moments. I enjoyed the process of how we supported and helped each other. Those memories will continue to stay in my heart forever."

Melissa became more and more confused, and her mind was blurred, which made it impossible to see Leila's real intentions. Eventually, Melissa's heart softened and benevolence took over her.

"I won't forget those times either. You helped me so much. Without you, it would have been really hard for me to stay sane."

"Aunt Melissa, I know that it was rather inappropriate of me to contact you at such a time, but I have run out of options. If I had any other choice, I wouldn't have done such a stupid thing which would put you in trouble. I turned to you for help because I believed in our friendship. Since we have been through thick and thin together, I truly believe that you will not abandon me. And with your support, I might be able to regain hope for my future."

Leila put on a helpless, hopeless face.

"What happened to you? What problems are you facing right now? Just tell me, Leila. Let's find a solution together."

Leila was a little embarrassed to tell her the truth. After half a minute of struggling with her thoughts, she loosened her bite on the lips and started to sob.

"Aunt Melissa, I am penniless right now. Yesterday, I didn't even have enough money to pay for my meal. That's why I called you. I needed your help, but after seeing you here today, I have changed my mind. Look how miserable my life has become. But I just realized that I shouldn't have asked you to come. I don't deserve your help. Just leave me to die in this poor state...

Anyway, I am so happy that I could see you one last time. I have nothing else to hold on to in this world anyway..."

Melissa was startled by her suicidal words. She could see how pessimistic Leila was at the moment and was concerned for her life now. In the end, she gave up doubting her and chose to trust Leila's words.

As she stared at Leila's haggard face, Melissa felt sorry for her old friend. Back in prison, Melissa was supported and cared for by Leila. She would have been too weak to endure the prison life without Leila's company.

And now her friend was stuck in a miserable situation, she felt the need to help Leila out in return for her past help. 'Leila was my closest friend. I should not be ruthless to her at a time like this. I will help her this one last time, and then we will be even.

If everything goes well with her, we won't have to meet again in the future. And I will not owe her anything after this.'


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