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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1477

Melissa didn't want to run into Charles, which was why she got up so late. She wanted to avoid being scolded by him again. Half an hour ago, she heard the car engine. After the car left, she felt relieved and decided to get up and come downstairs.

Melissa wasn't expecting to run into Charles at all. She noticed Charles' gloomy face, and immediately felt uncomfortable. 'What comes around, goes around, ' Melissa sighed.

Melissa hesitated for a second. She even forgot how to walk for a few seconds. Looking around, she refused to look into Charles' eyes.

However, Charles didn't care, and refrained from giving her a chance. He lowered his voice saying, "Mom, please come downstairs. I need to talk to you."

Since the living room was silent, Charles knew Melissa heard him clearly, which was why she was forced to respond.

Grinding her teeth, Melissa finally made up her mind. She proceeded downstairs to confront Charles.

"Hi, Charles. It's quite early. Is everything alright?" Since it was already past noon, it wasn't that early actually. In fact, the sun was even shining brightly outside.

Charles glanced at Melissa coldly. It was almost as though he wanted to get his message across to her, without saying a single word.

Seeing him staring so intently at her, sent shivers down Melissa's spine. She felt exposed and insecure as Charles continued staring at her with his gloomy face and sharp eyes.

"Mom, you hit Shirley for no apparent reason yesterday? I saw her arm and could see that it hurt Shirley badly. I felt very sorry for her. Why did you do that, Mom? Shirley is your grandchild."

Charles's voice was extremely low and serious. He was blaming Melissa and wanted a valid explanation from her.

Melissa didn't see the point of explaining herself, especially because she knew that Charles wouldn't believe her again. However, instead of lying and making up excuses, she admitted that she was wrong. It was the best solution for Melissa. She decided to admit that she was the one at fault.

"I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. I was impulsive. Someone got underneath my skin and I listened to her. I feel really guilty for hitting Shirley. I regret what I did and was worried about her. I couldn't even sleep last night. I was thinking about apologizing to Shirley today, but I got up late because of last night's insomnia."

Charles was fed up with his mother. He was tired of listening to Melissa's nonsense and for some reason, he convinced himself that she was pretending to be sorry. He knew that she would never regret her behaviors and just wanted him to forgive her for what happened.

After everything that had happened thus far, Charles knew Melissa really well. He was well acquainted with her behavior and ways. He also knew that it wasn't the first time Melissa made concessions to get off the hook. Every single time Melissa proceeded to admit to her mistakes and promised to never do it again.

Just look at how that turned out. It was clear that she was never going to change. She disappointed Charles again and again. She also apologized and made the exact same mistake again.

How could Charles trust Melissa after hurting Shirley?

Melissa didn't have any filter. She continued to explain herself, which irritated Charles. He immediately signaled her to stop. He then said to Melissa, "Mom, it is clear to me who is to be blamed for yesterday's incident. When Sheryl was in the hospital, don't you remember promising me that you'd never do this again?"

Melissa's heart tightened. She still remembered being scolded by Charles at the hospital. She nodded her head at Charles anxiously.


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