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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1479

"Thank you. I'm so happy that you come to visit me. I've recovered already but Aron insists that I get confined. I feel so bored. Nick, tell me the truth. What's going on between you and Cassie?"

Isla's question startled Nick.

Sheryl felt surprised too. Although she knew that Isla cared about Nick and Cassie's relationship, she thought her question was too straightforward. But it was Isla's style.

"I told Isla about the misunderstanding between you and Cassie. Nick, the reason why we asked you here now is because we want to help you two to clear things out, if you don't mind," Sheryl added.

Upon hearing that, Nick felt a little embarrassed. "Thank you so much," he murmured.

"Can you tell us what exactly is going on between you two?" Isla urged impatiently. She couldn't wait any longer.

Nick had no choice but to tell them what happened in his apartment. The two ladies listened attentively. But he didn't expect that after he finished the story, he heard Isla shout out, "How silly you are! You were set up! It was a trap!"

Nick was astonished when he heard Isla's words. Sheryl then added, "Cassie told me what had happened after she left. And now we are sure about one thing: you and Cassie were both set up."

"We were set up?" Nick was confused with the ladies' conclusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Cassie told me that she ran into Jordan after she left your apartment. Then Jordan sent her to a hotel. But don't worry, he didn't stay with her that night. He left at last. But just think about it. That's really strange! How did that woman suddenly turn up at your apartment? Why did Jordan coincidentally show up near your apartment too?" Sheryl voiced out her analysis.

Her words were a bolt from the blue to Nick. He stood there, numb.

That evening came across his mind as flashbacks. That woman appeared in his apartment for some unknown reason. Then Cassie showed up all of a sudden to find them, and she ended up running away.

Without a doubt, Cassie must have thought he had another woman so she left with resentment. And Jordan, he must have learned about it so he decided to stay near her, like a vulture waiting for his opportunity to comfort Cassie. What an evil plan! Jordan had it well-planned to make sure he could step in when Cassie was fragile. No women could resist that.

Did Cassie feel touched?

The thought hit Nick and his face turned pale.

Seeing Nick's reaction, Sheryl and Isla exchanged looks and they both felt relieved.

They felt lucky that Nick was still in love with Cassie. Otherwise, they wouldn't know what they had to do.

"Sheryl, do you think Cassie still loves me or..." Nick hesitated for a while but he asked the question anyway.

"Of course, she does. Don't worry about it. She still loves you. She doesn't like that Jordan," Sheryl replied confidently.

"As the saying goes 'Fortune favors fools.' It is so true. Cassie is beautiful and smart but she loves a fool." Isla was a little bit angry with Nick as she thought this wouldn't happen if it wasn't for him.

Even if Isla blamed Nick, he still felt relieved listening to their words.

He wouldn't feel worried as long as he knew Cassie still loved him. And they believed that she loved him.

"Hey, Nick. I need to make a phone call outside. Sorry about that. I'll be back, okay?" Nick slightly nodded to acknowledge her. Sheryl winked at Isla.

Isla immediately understood what Sheryl's real intention was. The wink was enough to tell her that she was putting their plan into action, so she immediately nodded, "Go ahead."


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