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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1485

Blood rushed to Phoebe's head and it made her a little dizzy. 'So Ms. Xia will investigate who that person is. The parking lot has a CCTV, and I'm sure it recorded what happened. We'll catch this guy soon!' she thought.

Meanwhile, Sheryl briefly glanced at the characters written on her car, and quickly wiped them clean.

"Let's go. I'll drive you home," Sheryl said to Phoebe. "Alright."

They both got in the car, and then Sheryl started the engine and sped away. It was only until then that Phoebe felt a little relieved.

It was just all too scary! What if that person had been hiding in the darkness, ready to attack them any minute?

"Phoebe, don't worry. That guy should've left already," Sheryl assured as she manned the steering wheel. However, doubt still flooded Phoebe's anxious mind.

"Err...Ms. Xia, how do you know that?" Phoebe asked in disbelief. Why and how was Sheryl so sure? They didn't even know the guy.

A smile formed on Sheryl's lips and she explained, "Think about it: if you were that guy, would you still stay in the crime scene if there are CCTV cameras everywhere? It would be too risky. Once you're caught, you won't have any chances to take revenge on me. Don't you think so?"

After Sheryl spoke, Phoebe couldn't help but admire Sheryl's astuteness. She always had an insightful perception.

"Ms. Xia, I was really freaked out. I thought that a bad guy would suddenly come out and attack us. If that really happened, there would be nowhere to run. Thank God he left!" Phoebe exclaimed and put a hand to her chest.

"I'm sorry you got involved. Don't worry about it anymore. I'll handle this and catch that person," Sheryl said resolutely. Then Sheryl looked forward to the road again, her eyes clear and brimming with toughness and confidence.

Her words reassured Phoebe. In turn, Phoebe looked at Sheryl, whose perfectly sculpted face was so beautiful yet strong that she couldn't take her eyes away from it.

Somehow, she felt her tension melt away. She felt that Sheryl was a reliable and competent leader, which further convinced her that it was promising to follow such a person's footsteps.

At that same moment, Sheryl was thinking about something else so she didn't notice Phoebe's gaze.

From the first time she saw those characters on her car, she immediately thought of who could be the perpetrator. However, the first name that popped up in her mind was someone who had disappeared from her life a long time ago. Rachel!

She didn't know why she had thought of her, since she had been gone for a long time.

It reminded her of another incident in the restaurant this afternoon. She came across a weird woman in the toilet, and soon after someone left a threatening message on her car in the evening. Sheryl felt that these two incidents were related.

She thought that the person who did both was none other than Rachel!

Was she back in the country already? Why was she coming after her again?

Deep inside her, Sheryl thought that things weren't as simple as they seemed. Even though there was CCTV cameras in the parking lot, Rachel was smart enough to realize that. She must've avoided being caught by the cameras. She only told Phoebe to check the footage tomorrow morning only because she wanted Phoebe to feel that everything was under control, so the girl could relax.

If she wanted to get to the bottom of things, she must ask someone for help. Sheryl began to think of names.

Soon enough, they reached Phoebe's house. After Sheryl had dropped her off, she hurriedly returned to the restaurant where her friends were dining.


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