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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1525

Melissa couldn't help but cheer out loud. Putting her fingers beside her mouth, she tried to hide her satisfaction, but everyone still saw how widely she was beaming.

Winning the first round brought Melissa a lot of confidence. She was convinced that she got all her lucky stars in place.

Without any hesitation, Melissa added a lot of chips in the next stake, and then the next stake. At last, she added so many that she had to pull them with both her hands to the middle of the table.

At that time, Melissa was just like any other gamblers at the casino, unwary of anything in her surroundings. She was lost in her own crazy dream, imagining a luxurious life afterwards. She didn't realize how fast time flew, since she was too busy placing her bets.

When she finally caught sense of what she was doing, it was too late. She already lost a fortune. Thinking back on the past few hours, she felt stunned and got weak at the knees. It took a few seconds for her to calm down and face the cruel reality.

She now lost all her money before she had enough fun of it. Melissa felt so uncomfortable. The eager to keep on betting stroke her from time to time. She couldn't help throwing glances at the gambling table when she walked away.

She was unable to think rationally. The mess in her head made her suffer, not only from the eagerness to gamble but also from the lack of money.

Trying her best to calm herself down, Melissa turned to leave the bathroom when a well-dressed woman appeared in front of her. She looked rich and elegant, clearly from a rich family.

Melissa planned to ignore her, but as if she was doing it on purpose, the woman didn't move to let her pass. Confused, Melissa looked up at the woman.

With a modest smile, the woman asked, "Are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

The woman's question stunned Melissa. Melissa never expected that a complete stranger would even bother about her emotional state.

She quickly looked around the bathroom, making sure that the woman was indeed talking to her. She couldn't help looking at the woman suspiciously because of the strange act she just showed her.

Melissa knew that she must have looked terrible at that time. She was not in a good mood because she lost all her money, but she still wanted to gamble. She was restless, gambling all night. She didn't even have to look into a mirror to know how haggard she looked now.

Melissa answered her coldly, "I'm fine."

She tried to walk past the woman.

The woman thought to herself, 'This is not how I expected it to be. It seems like Melissa is not easy to fool. Such a suspicious woman.' The woman felt frustrated. She thought to herself again, 'If so, how am I going to get Melissa to take the bait?'

Wearing back her warm smile, she didn't care about how rude and cold Melissa was.

The woman said again in a soft voice, "That's good to hear. I'm from R City. And I just noticed that your accent is quite familiar. May I ask where you are from?" From the moment the woman agreed to this mission, she was very well aware about Melissa's background. She knew that Melissa came from R City, so she pretended to be coming from the same place to get her attention.

Melissa's expression changed at what the woman just said. Somehow, she felt a connection between them, eliminating the suspicions she initially had. Meeting someone from her hometown not only moved her, it also made her look at this woman as her townsman.

"Really? What a coincidence! I'm also from R City. I'm Melissa Shen. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" she greeted in a happy tone.


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