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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1557

All of a sudden, the thought of someone popped into Sheryl's head. She asked with absolute certainty, "Is it Rachel?"

She just wanted to observe the assassin's reaction. However, she noticed that as soon as she mentioned Rachel, the assassin's hand trembled a little bit, which convinced her that it must have been Rachel who had sent him to kill her.

Sheryl didn't expect that Rachel would be so merciless to have hired an assassin to kill her.

The assassin was taken aback by her abrupt question about Rachel, so he panicked. As a result, the knife he was holding grazed Sheryl's neck, causing her to groan in pain.

After she made sure that the person responsible for this was Rachel, a sense of desperation came over Sheryl. She knew how much Rachel hated her. Since Rachel had hired someone to kill her, there was no chance for her to escape her fate this time.

Sheryl closed her eyes, waiting for his fatal attack peacefully.

Of course, she didn't want to die, but she had no choice now.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sheryl could see that the man had lifted his knife, aiming for her carotid artery. She closed her eyes tight, reluctantly anticipating the pain that was coming her way.

However, much to her surprise, Sheryl heard a muffled groan.

A gust of wind blew across her ears. Sheryl suddenly felt the tension in her body relax, and was surprised that she was still standing there. She sensed rushed movements and footsteps in front of her. She opened her eyes in curiosity, only to see a black-clad man jump out the window.

Although Sheryl was frightened, she mustered up her courage to dart to the window side to see what was going on. She saw the man in black chasing after the assassin, and soon they were engaged in a deadly fight against one another.

Sheryl realized that the one who was chasing the assassin was the one who had just saved her life. If he had been late, by even just a few seconds, she would have been dead by now.

The assassin Rachel had hired, was tall and stout. That was the only way she could tell the two men apart as they were both dressed in black.

They were fighting in a quiet alley now, which wasn't far away from where she was. However, as they were both covered up from head to toe, Sheryl couldn't see their faces. But she was sure that she didn't know them.

Sheryl felt very confused. Who was the other man that saved her? Why would he save her?

They were both strong and good at fighting, so they were evenly matched at the moment. From the bottom of her heart, of course Sheryl prayed that her savior would win. She wished that she could give him a hand, but she could only hide here for now. She knew that if she tried to act on impulse, she could become a burden to her savior.

The fight lasted for almost one minute. Knowing that he couldn't finish his mission, the assassin glanced at Sheryl ferociously in the middle of the fight. Sheryl was so frightened that she squatted down to hide herself under the window.

After a while, when Sheryl calmed down, she stood up and peeped outside. However, there was nobody out there. She scanned around the area with her eyes but found nothing. The two men who were fighting just now had somehow disappeared into thin air.

Sheryl's heart kept pacing inside her chest. She staggered to the basin, only to see her pale face in the mirror. After a while, she heaved a deep sigh. Then she washed her face with some cold water to calm herself down. She hoped to regain some sense of normalcy as soon as possible.

When she was about to leave the restroom, her cell phone rang. She took it out and saw that the caller was Nancy. After some hesitation, she answered the call.

"Nancy!" Sheryl said. She quickly tried to sound casual, as if everything was just in order.

Nancy sighed out of frustration before she answered, "Sher, how have you been lately? I've missed you. When will you be back? How are the kids? By the way, do you remember when you asked me to introduce Joan? Did you want to offer her a job, or did you just want her to take care of the kids?" Nancy had a ton of questions and Sheryl didn't know which question she should answer first.

Sheryl chuckled. Having realized that she was being too hasty, Nancy scratched her head and said apologetically, "Sher, am I being too noisy?"


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