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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1561

"It's fine, Cassie. You already look beautiful enough. Wade just saw Nick waiting outside. If you don't get on your way now, you'll be late!" Cassie's colleague urged her to move quickly while Cassie was still engrossed in appreciating herself in front of the mirror.

"Nick is already here?" Cassie exclaimed as she did not expect Nick to be so early. She thought that she would have to wait for Nick for a while. And in that time she could groom herself to look her best.

As soon as she learned of Nick's arrival, she took a quick last glance at the mirror, shared a smile with herself and rushed out.

Cassie took brisk and nimble steps as she walked through the hospital corridor, passed the garden area and arrived outside the hospital gate. As soon as she reached the gates, the first thing that met her eyes was Nick's car parked beside the road.

She could not refrain herself from running towards the car. By the time she reached the car, she was short of breath.

Nick smiled as he saw her running to him, and said, "Hey, there is no rush. Why are you running so fast?"

Cassie just smiled and got into the car. As she made herself comfortable in the seat, Nick reached out to help her fasten her seat belt. And as he did so, suddenly they came very close to each other and the atmosphere changed. Their eyes met and they came closer and closer. Cassie felt a little shy and said, "Let me do it on my own."

"It's all right. It's already done. Now, tell me, why were you running so fast? What's the rush?" Nick asked in a concerned voice as he tried to change the topic.

Although it was not the first time when they were so intimate, the feeling of affection was so intense that they could almost hear each other's hearts beating against their chests.

However, their shyness was as overbearing as the deep affection between them. Cassie and Nick were still passionately in love.

"I was afraid that you will be waiting for too long," Cassie answered in a soft voice.

Nick started the car and said, "That's fine. It doesn't matter how long I wait, I'll always be there for you. By the way, you look beautiful. So, what do you want for dinner?" He cast a loving glance at her before shifting his gaze back to the road ahead.

"Thank you. Anything is fine," Cassie answered, her cheeks growing red at the same time.

The atmosphere slowly became normal as Nick focused on driving, to Cassie's relief. She calmed herself down and suggested some Japanese food to Nick.

Finally, they went to a Japanese restaurant. Sheryl was a regular visitor at this restaurant and recommended it to Nick. Nick trusted Sheryl's taste, so he decided to take Cassie to this restaurant.

The restaurant had a beautiful Japanese decor. It was said that the owner of this restaurant was originally from Japan. And since he got married to a Chinese woman, he moved to China with his wife and opened this Japanese restaurant.

Nick had already confirmed the booking while they were on the way, so when they arrived, they went to the room they had pre-booked. As they waited for the food to arrive, Nick spoke with Cassie about her life.

The restaurant had a special rule. The customers couldn't order the food of their choice.

Rather it was the owner of the restaurant who decided the menu for them. There was a different menu each day but it was cooked as per the owner's choice. However, the food was so delicious that it ensured repeat visits from customers once they tasted the food of this restaurant. Needless to say, it was a very popular restaurant which was always buzzing with people. The chefs and the wait staff had to be on their toes round the clock to meet the incessant demands for food.

"Take a guess, what food will the owner make for us today?" asked Cassie. The unique rule of the restaurant also aroused the customers' curiosity as they waited for the food to be served. The same happened with Nick and Cassie. They found it very interesting to wait and speculate about the dishes that would be served to them.

Nick shrugged and said, "I have no idea. I'm also a new customer here. Sheryl once told me that the Japanese food in this restaurant was really nice and tasty. And she said that all the dishes were limited and special. Had it not been for Sheryl who booked this room for us in advance, we might be not able to dine here at all."

Cassie grew more inquisitive as she listened to Nick.

After a wait of about ten minutes, the food was served by none other than the wife of the owner.

She addressed Nick and Cassie respectfully and said, "This is your appetizer. Hope you enjoy it."

The plate served in front of them was seemingly simple with some seared salmon. However, after the first bite, Cassie could not refrain herself from reaching out for it over and over again.

Completely smitten by the taste, Cassie thought, 'Actually, sometimes I'm just so confused about why the food tastes so different even though they look the same.'

Nick noticed how Cassie became silent as she ate the appetizer "How is it?" he asked, looking at Cassie's face carefully. Nick hoped that he chose the right place for the meal and Cassie liked it.

"It's great! It's really good! It is not like any salmon that I've ever had before!" Cassie replied as she swallowed the bite. She smiled as she hinted Nick to take a bite too.


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