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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1580

Nancy knocked lightly on Melissa's door and then came in. "Mrs. Lu, I made some porridge for you," she said gently.

Melissa, who was lying in bed, answered with her eyes half-closed, "Fine. I'll eat some."

Leila reached out to take the bowl from Nancy and came to Melissa's side. "Aunt Melissa, let me feed you, okay?" She scooped a spoonful of porridge and brought it to Melissa's mouth.

"That sounds good. Thank you, Leila. You are such a good girl." Melissa smiled. The two went along with the act and performed a great play in front of Charles.

Since Melissa was sick, Charles knew that he couldn't leave her and go to work. However, he was also getting tired of seeing Leila and Melissa get along harmoniously, so he didn't feel like staying here with them.

"Mom, take care of yourself. I need to go over some important business files in my room," Charles said. Before Melissa could say anything, he simply took off and walked out of the room.

Nancy followed him out shortly after.

"Nancy, thanks for taking care of my mother. Please, get some rest," Charles said to Nancy and stepped into the study.

Meanwhile in Melissa's room, the sickly old woman asked Leila to put the bowl on the table after she had eaten her fill.

Now that nobody was there, they looked at each other with complacency. "Leila, you're such a good girl," Melissa said. "I know that you are much better than Sheryl. I'm sure Charles will change his attitude toward you after he sees you taking care of me for an entire day."

Melissa had pretended to be sick so that she and Leila could put up an act in front of Charles.

"Aunt Melissa, I'm so sorry that you have to pretend to be sick just to help me out!" Leila said with a guilt-ridden expression. She took Melissa's hands in her own, tears running down her cheeks.

Melissa wiped away the tears from Leila's cheeks and comforted her. "Leila, don't cry. I did it for you because I like you. I'm willing to make this sacrifice so long as you can become my daughter-in-law."

Leila was deeply moved by Melissa's words. She wrapped Melissa in an embrace almost immediately.

Today's incident was all a part of Melissa's elaborate ruse. Lying in bed, she thought about the relationship between Charles and Leila. She was worried because Charles didn't like Leila at all. If she allowed for the situation to continue, Sheryl would come back sooner or later. By hook or by crook, she had to do whatever she could to bring Charles and Leila together.

Melissa knew that the only way she could make Charles stay back at home was that she pretended to be sick. As Leila would be pre-occupied with taking care of Melissa, both she and Charles would finally have the chance of spending more time together. And if Melissa was lucky, Charles would finally notice the kind and gentle side of Leila.

With that in mind, Melissa had come to Leila's bedroom after dinner the night before.

Leila was already in bed, fast asleep. Earlier when Melissa had told her about her plan, she couldn't even digest what she was saying. However, after Melissa explained it to her again, Leila came to realize how well-thought of and meticulous Melissa's plans were.

Needless to say, Leila was over the moon with joy. But she couldn't show it on her face. Instead, she pretended to be worried and nervous. "Aunt Melissa, are you sure this will work?"

"Of course it will! Don't worry. I know my son well enough. He'll fall for this," Melissa replied confidently.

As soon as Charles arrived home, their fictitious display of affection for each other came into full play.

The entire afternoon, Leila busied herself around the house. Sometimes she'd go over to Melissa's room to take care of her. The next moment she'd appear at Charles' side and serve him tea or snacks.

However, Charles remained unmoved by her efforts, as if Leila was merely a servant in this house.

Leila, however, didn't mind his cold attitude toward her. Looking at Charles' handsome face, she summoned up the courage to say, "Charles, do you need anything?"

"Get out!" Charles snapped at her. He didn't even bother to look at Leila when he spoke.

Leila was clearly annoyed, but she didn't dare say anything. She pretended to be unmindful of his words and then walked out.


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