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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1582

"Aunt Melissa, look. Nancy and I cooked for you! It's vegetable soup. That's is your favorite one!" Leila exclaimed, a huge grin on her face. Leila walked slowly toward Melissa, a bowl of vegetable soup in her hands.

When she put the bowl on the table in front of Melissa, Melissa noticed that her hands were red from how hot the bowl was.

Melissa couldn't help but worry about Leila. She hadn't even looked at the soup yet, but she grabbed Leila's hands and said, frowning, "Leila! Your hands! Oh my god, do they hurt?"

"It's alright, Melissa. They don't hurt. I'm fine. I just wanted to cook something for you. I got careless," Leila said lightheartedly. She seemed really happy, but Melissa figured she was faking it in order not to worry her, which only made Melissa feel guiltier. Leila waved her hands like the burn didn't even hurt.

"Be careful!" Melissa said as she saw Leila waving her hands. "You don't need to lie to me. I know it hurts. Didn't you know that it would worry me? Don't you know that I can't stand to see you hurt like this?" Melissa seemed to be blaming Leila, but Leila knew it was only because she cared about her. Melissa grabbed Leila's arms so the latter would stop waving them.

At the moment, Nancy was watching them from a distance. She shook her head and sighed. There was something she knew that she wasn't speaking of.

'Leila didn't burn her hands making the vegetable soup for Melissa, ' Nancy thought to herself. 'She was passing by the kitchen when she carelessly knocked over the bowl of soup I had made. That was how she burned her hands. Now she's taking credit for the soup I made. She's pretending that she burned her hand making the soup. Why on earth would she do that?'

Melissa, however, was oblivious to this. She was busy talking to Leila. "Why are you so clumsy? We have Nancy to cook for us. Next time, just leave this to her, okay? You don't have to cook. It just makes me worry about you."

Leila nodded in agreement. She promised that she wouldn't cook again lest Melissa worry about her.

Melissa was just now realizing that Charles was also present, so she gestured for him to come closer. "Charles, what are you doing standing there? Come and help me wash Leila's burn. Burns can turn out to be so serious sometimes, you know. If it doesn't get dealt with, it can turn into an infection or inflammation. I don't want Leila's hand to be ruined. Hands say a lot about a woman."

Charles was not in the mood to help Leila. However, he decided to concede when he thought of Melissa's health condition.

Charles walked over and stood behind them. Melissa was still talking to him. She blabbered on about how lovely and considerate Leila was, unlike some other women, who were ungrateful and selfish. Charles didn't have to blink twice to know that Melissa was referring to Sheryl.

However, Charles didn't care about what Melissa said. He never listened to her. 'If she wasn't so sick, I'd tell her off right now and defend Sheryl, but I don't want to waste my time. No matter what I say, I'll look like the bad guy because she's the sick one. Besides, it's not like she ever lets anyone else win, ' Charles thought to himself.

'And the more I defend Sheryl, the more she'll just hate her. I don't want to make things between them any worse than they already are.'

Charles decided that he wouldn't say anything. The entire time that Melissa blabbered on about Leila, he kept his mouth shut.

When Nancy arrived with a medical kit in hand, Charles waved his hand to gesture for Leila to sit next to him.

Leila suddenly blushed. "It's okay, Charles. I can do it on my own," Leila said. She half-expected Charles to insist on helping her.

However, upon hearing this, Charles threw the medical kit on the couch and said, "Okay."

Leila suddenly felt embarrassed. She blamed herself in her head. 'Oh my God. I'm so stupid. I've been waiting for so long to get close to Charles. Why did I have to do that? Why? I'm so stupid! So stupid!'

Melissa noticed the regret on Leila's face. She stared at her before turning her attention to Charles. "Charles, Leila is hurt. You better help her with the medicine. She wouldn't be able to apply that on her own anyway."

Charles had no choice but to listen to his mother. He grabbed the medical kit and opened it. He then looked at Leila and gestured for her to sit next to him again.

Leila walked over and sat beside him. When she realized how close Charles was to her while he was treating her burn, she suddenly felt all the blood in her body rush to her face.

'This is the first time that he has been this close to me for an extended period of time, ' Leila thought to herself.

She looked at Melissa in gratitude. She knew that if she continued to keep Melissa happy, Melissa would eventually take her side and help her win Charles over. That was how Leila knew that one way or another, Charles would be hers in the future.

Charles was very gentle as he treated Leila's burn. Leila couldn't help but stare and get engrossed in him. She started to daydream about their future together.

Melissa watched this scene before her happily as she sat on the couch opposite of them.

She thought smugly of how she chose the right way to bring Charles and Leila closer. She coughed on purpose to catch Charles' and Leila's attention. When they looked at her, she spoke up. "Charles, you have no idea how good it feels to see such a lovely woman by your side. With yours and Leila's company, I already feel myself getting better."


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