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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1597

Sheryl was blinded by the headlights glaring at her. Quickly, she covered her eyes with her hands and turned around.

In panic, she fell to the ground and take cover. When she opened her eyes again, she saw the car speeding away from her. She patted her chest, desperately trying to catch her breath. This was, by no means, an accidental occurrence.

She got up from the ground once she had calmed down and looked around at her surroundings. After confirming that there were no suspicious people or cars around, she reached out to the car door, praying that she could get out of here as soon as possible.

Before her hands could touch the door, however, she felt a sudden pat on her shoulder that almost scared the wits out of her.

Like a frightened bird, Sheryl dropped her key to the ground and turned around quickly. The next moment, her eyes caught sight of Lewis' face. She felt relieved to know that it was just a false alarm.

She heaved a deep breath, complaining as she rolled her eyes at him, "Don't you ever do that again! You scared me to death!"

Sheryl leaned against her car, slowly patting her chest. She thought that the man who had tried to run her over came back to finish the job.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. But are you okay?" Lewis asked, both confused and surprised. His impression of Sheryl was that of a strong, independent woman. The sight of sweat beads on her face was something he never thought he would see.

Having realized that she had mistaken him for another person, Sheryl nodded at him apologetically and said, "Someone was driving toward me and I thought..."

"What?" Lewis widened his eyes and moved closer to her, carefully eyeing her from head to toe. After confirming that there was nothing to worry about, he stopped right in front of her, shaking her shoulders, and asked, "Are you sure you're okay? Should we call the police?"

Sheryl bit her lower lip, regretting the quick slip of her tongue. She shouldn't have mentioned that to him. Lewis was just a business partner and her personal life was not meant to be shared with him.

"Maybe I am just overthinking it. Maybe the driver got distracted or perhaps he had a few glasses of wine. Relax, it's no big deal!" Sheryl shrugged his hands from her shoulders and slowly moved away from him.

Lewis' face revealed an embarrassed smile. He scratched his head. "Maybe so, but you need to be more careful. Why don't I drop you off home? It's getting late," he suggested, looking at Sheryl expectantly.

"Thank you, but my car is here," Sheryl refused, pointing at her car.

As the pair stood at her company's parking lot, Sheryl wondered what Lewis was doing here and quickly concluded that he had been waiting for her again.

Meanwhile, Lewis was also thinking along the same lines. He gave her a gentle smile and explained, "I parked my car here because I was meeting a friend for dinner at a restaurant nearby."

"Oh, okay. Well then, I'll see you later. I'd better go now. The kids are waiting for me," said Sheryl, wasting no time to get in the car.

However, Lewis stopped her and insisted, "It's already late, Sheryl. Even if nothing happens, I can't let you drive home alone. Please, for my sake, I insist!"

He looked into her eyes with deep sincerity and determination.

In truth, Sheryl's heart was still trembling in fear at the moment. It would be better to have someone around, and thus she cast aside the idea of driving home by herself. She nodded at Lewis with a smile and closed the door to her car.

Neither of them said much to each other on the way to Sheryl's home. Sheryl kept averting her eyes while keeping the conversation to a minimum. She tried to make it look like she had no idea that he had feelings for her, while Lewis tried to feign indifference. He was just glad to be able to spend some time with her.

When they arrived, Sheryl gave him a grateful nod and got out. Lewis followed her out of the car without saying a word. It seemed like neither of them felt like breaking the silence.

Sheryl took a few steps forward and then stopped, as if she had forgotten something. She turned around and said, "Thank you, Lewis. Please don't bother picking me up tomorrow morning. Isla lives nearby, and she can give me a ride to work. Good night." She remembered that Lewis came to pick her up the morning after the night he had taken her home. To prevent such an incident from happening again, she decided to come clean.

"Are you indirectly tell me to pick you up?" Lewis asked with a smile, half-joking and half-hoping.

"No, please don't get me wrong!" Sheryl replied seriously and shook her head without hesitation.

Amused by her unusually cute reaction, Lewis couldn't help but raise his hand in an attempt to caress Sheryl's hair as he murmured in a soft voice, "I understand."

Sheryl moved aside to avoid his contact without a conscious thought. It was clear that both of them felt awkward. Sheryl looked away, scrambling to find a way to excuse herself.


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