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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1623

Cora knew that she had to control herself, so she stopped Nick. She then said to Leila, "This is your last warning! You'd better behave yourself. If you don't cut the crap, then I'll make sure you never leave the hospital!"

Leila cast a negligent glanced at Cora when she heard her warning. She didn't believe that a nurse would use her expertise to harm a person as she had threatened. The only explanation was that they were pissed off and were making empty threats. When this thought occurred to her, she felt relieved and laughed out loud. "Ask the police to take me if you can. Now, are you really threatening me?"

"Yes, we are. Leila, you'd better realize that if you keep provoking us, we will tell Charles what you have done. Which side do you think he will take—yours or ours?" Nick immediately understood Cora's intentions when he met her gaze. Instead of being angry with Leila, they had decided to irritate her and try to scare her off.

Leila narrowed her eyes. She knew that Charles would, in all likelihood, believe what they said. Their threat almost succeeded in scaring her. Then, she thought that the next few days would be the worst days ever for Sheryl and her friends, so Leila realized there was nothing she should be worried about.

As long as she could make Sheryl become less important to Charles, then nothing would be able to bother her.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for that then. Do you really think you can make Charles disbelieve me? Because I'm confident he will be on my side!" Leila looked calm. Obviously, Cora's threat hadn't worked.

Cora couldn't believe it. How could Leila be so confident and not worried about them at all?

"Good, let's wait and see then!" Nick said, and grabbing Cora's hand made to leave.

Although it hadn't worked out like they had meant it to, Nick knew that Leila would restrain herself and not dare to go near Cassie for a while at least.

After they had left, the smile on Leila's face suddenly disappeared.

She knew that if she failed to ensure Cassie stayed in a coma forever, she wouldn't have any other choices to cover up what she had done. All she could do was pray that Cassie would never wake up.

Soon after that, Melissa and Nancy showed up.

It was Nancy's first visit to Charles in the hospital. When she saw the tubes in Charles' body, Nancy felt her eyes tear up with sorrow and pity. However, she contained herself and did not let the tears run from her eyes.

Charles had already been in the ICU for several days. Nancy had always been the one to take care of Charles after he was born, so she was more than just his Nanny.

"Madam, when will Mr. Lu wake up?" Nancy asked, turning to look at Melissa.

Melissa shook her head impatiently and snipped Nancy by saying, "How would I know? I'm not a doctor!"

Hearing Melissa's reply, Nancy stopped talking and instead just watched Charles sadly.

Nancy had cooked some of Charles' favorite dishes for him, but now she didn't believe that he would be able to eat them. Unnoticed, Leila had begun to devour the dishes which Nancy had made.

"Nancy, to be honest, your food is way more delicious than the hospital food! I'm sick of eating that stuff already!" Leila praised Nancy's cooking while eating.

Nancy merely looked at Leila without any expression on her face. Then she turned back to look at Charles.

After Leila had finished, Nancy silently took the food containers and left.

Melissa and Leila were still sitting there when the doctor came in to do the hourly checkup.

Noticing that the doctor was spending more time than usual examining Charles, Melissa was shocked and became worried.


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