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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1627

'Why on earth is that strange and horrible man here?' Sheryl thought to herself.

Disbelief was written across Sheryl's face. It was not the first time Ferry had directly appeared in front of her.

Escape quickly came to her mind. Automatically, her body turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. However, Ferry caught up with her and grabbed her arm. She had no choice but to stop.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Pretending not to know me? Again?" Ferry asked sneeringly.

Upon hearing Ferry's voice, Sheryl found it hard to breathe. She was so nervous that not even a sound came out of her mouth. All she could do was to try and remove his hand from her arm so that she could get away from him. Unfortunately, after several attempts, she still had no luck.

Finally accepting defeat, Sheryl faced Ferry. "What do you want?! Do you want the whole world to know that I feel threatened by your presence?!" Sheryl asked angrily. Her anger was not only directed at him but also herself. Since she had not expected to see him, she felt angry about not being ready to face him.

"If you are so afraid to be seen with me, then why don't you listen to me and do as I say?" Ferry countered, his voice devoid of any emotion.

For the first time that day, Sheryl was utterly speechless. 'His so-called listening to him and doing what he said was to divorce Charles and become his mistress! But that's not even a remote possibility!' Sheryl thought.

Silence reigned between them. When Sheryl didn't reply, Ferry took the direct approach. "Why haven't you divorced Charles yet?"

Once again, Sheryl felt her anger surface. "Charles is now in the hospital, in a coma. Whether I divorce him or not doesn't make any difference."

Ferry laughed. He understood. He knew that Sheryl was right.

Moving closer to her, Ferry whispered to her, "All right, then. All I have to do is wait for someone to tell me the good news of his death. Right?"

"How dare you say that?!" Sheryl suddenly screamed. Her voice was so loud that passersby started to look at them. Overwhelmed by emotion, her body started shaking. She was so angry. 'He's a devil! No one in his right mind will wish something so bad to his fellow man. How could he wish for Charles' death in my face?!' Sheryl thought, stunned.

"I'm not joking," Ferry answered unemotionally. "You'd better pray for Charles to never wake up." Seeing how mad Sheryl was, Ferry simply continued threatening her.

"What do you want? I don't understand what else you could want since you are already blessed with so many fortunes. So what on earth do you still want with me?!" Sheryl asked shakily. She really didn't know what Ferry actually wanted. 'If he wants me to divorce Charles, then I'll just divorce him. But why does he keep on threatening me?'

"Oh, come on. You should know that if Charles wakes up, there is still a need for you to divorce him. But if he's dead, everything will be easier!" Ferry said happily. And just like that, Ferry left without giving Sheryl any chance to argue.

Sheryl's heartbeat finally returned to normal after Ferry had completely disappeared into her peripheral sight.

Still, she gave herself more time to collect her wits. She really wanted to go home as soon as possible. All she wanted to do now was to escape reality.

When she arrived home, she held the doorknob for quite some time, as if protecting it from anyone who wanted to break into her house. She felt like there was a terrible presence trying to hurt her and her children. Her mother instinct kicked in, and all she wanted to do was to protect herself and her children. During dinner, she was nervous and absent-minded. She suffered from waves of mental stress.

The burden in her heart continued to plague her even in her sleep. That night, she woke up several times due to nightmares.

And, Sheryl knew the root cause of what was happening to her was Ferry. Though she had dealt with Ferry's threat quite well today, she knew that he wouldn't give up until he got what he wanted. 'So, the only thing I need to do right now is to get rid of Ferry, or I give in to him and think of how to divorce Charles, ' she thought bleakly.

But Sheryl just couldn't think of a way to deal with Ferry or make the decision to divorce Charles. Thus, she couldn't sleep that night.

The next day, Holley just left Black's place and went to her home.

When she entered her house, she was surprised and terrified to find a man in her room. She quickly took a peek out of the door to make sure no one was behind her. Then, she quickly closed the door and went inside the room.

"Why are you here? Haven't you understood what I said? I have already been working on the task!" Holley exclaimed as she walked toward Ferry in a hurry.

Despite Holley's outburst, Ferry remained seated on the couch as if the apartment was his. Anyone who saw them would notice the difference between the two. There was a stark contrast between Holley's nervousness and Ferry's calm confidence.

Ferry was drinking Holley's wine slowly and elegantly. He looked at Holley's face and noticed that she appeared so angry. He smiled and said, "I'm here to look at my woman. Am I not allowed to visit you, my Darling?"


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