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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1630

Rachel hadn't expected things to go so smoothly. There was only one step left. Rachel would have successfully executed her plan once Ferry drank the glass of wine she prepared for him. From here on, she and Bernard would have one less enemy to worry about.

Rachel was shaking with excitement! So much so that the glass of wine she was holding almost spilled.

Rachel needed to allay Ferry's suspicions, if he had any, so she turned towards him. She looped her arm around his as they drank the wine.

Ferry began to get aroused again. He set aside the glass and pulled Rachel towards him so that she was pressed against his chest. He wanted to continue what they hadn't finished earlier.

Rachel wasn't in the mood, so she struggled to free herself from his grip. She leered at him and said, "I should really take a shower first."

"Oh, come on! Let's shower together then!" Ferry followed Rachel as she went to the bathroom.

Rachel wasn't interested in sleeping with him; however, she had no choice now but to ride it out. After all, Ferry wasn't going to last long since she'd just poisoned him.

The poison that Rachel gave Ferry was strong and notoriously deadly. Once it was ingested, it wouldn't take very long for the blood to flow up to his brain and cause his death. She couldn't wait to see it happen to Ferry.

As Rachel waited for the poison to kick in, she had to pretend that she wanted to sleep with Ferry. She decided to postpone intimacy with him by giving him a strip show. She took off her clothes slowly until she only had her underwear on. Suddenly, she started to feel a burning sensation throughout her body, and then her head started to throb. She didn't know what was happening, but she tried to shake it off, trying to convince herself that it was all in her head. In the end, she only got worse.

Ferry could see that Rachel was starting to feel weak. He smirked as he spoke, his tone arrogant, "I knew what you were trying to do. Did you really think I'd fall for your cheap plot?"

Rachel was dumbfounded upon hearing this. She couldn't believe that Ferry had known all along what her intentions were. It was a bitter truth she had to swallow, that Ferry had seen right through her.

"How did you know? How…" Rachel felt so weak, and her body was starting to feel like it had turned into jelly. She tried to calm herself and tried to keep herself from falling to the floor.

Ferry enjoyed watching Rachel struggle in silence. As he watched Rachel contort in pain, he knew then that he had gotten her—there was no way out for her now. Then he lifted her and carried her from the bathroom. As he walked to the bedroom, he sneered, "You failed because you weren't careful enough. Don't you know that I'm a very cautious man?"

Rachel was too weak to respond. Then Ferry continued, "Besides, I'm ruthless. I'm used to killing people. It's second nature to me."

These words pierced into Rachel's heart like a sharp dagger. She was terrified! She now understood why Bernard always warned her to be careful when it came to Ferry. All she could do now was regret being so reckless.

She ended up paying for underestimating her enemy—she'd been too ignorant.

"How did you drug me? I didn't even notice," Rachel, at the very least, wanted to know how she was going to die. She knew that she couldn't escape it anymore.

Ferry was amused by how foolish Rachel was. Sneering, he said, "I put poison in both the glasses, and I took an antidote in advance."

Rachel's eyes lit up upon hearing the word antidote, but it was already too late for her.

Ferry traced lines over her body using his fingers. Then he leaned forward so that his face was only inches away from hers. "Follow my demands. Be my servant, and I'll spare your life."

Then he set Rachel on the bed. They made love until dawn. Ferry felt refreshed, but Rachel felt the opposite—she was still recovering from the poisoning, so she felt like her body had been tossed and turned like a piñata. Rachel felt as if her life flashed right before her eyes that night.

The next morning

Rachel woke up and found herself lying next to the road with barely any clothes on. She was thankful that there was no one else around to see her like this, or she wouldn't be able to live with the shame.

Her head throbbed painfully, so she rubbed her temples. Then, suddenly, she remembered what had happened last night. She could remember every little of the details, and she shivered in fear. Never had she been made a fool like that. Ferry had really taken it too far this time.

She realized that she had no idea where she was, which scared her. She decided she needed to get out of here as soon as possible. Within half an hour, she was already in a taxi.

After she told the driver her destination, she leaned back against her seat to rest. However, she found the driver a bit suspicious because he kept looking at her in the rearview mirror.

Rachel couldn't help but feel annoyed as the driver kept stealing glances at her. She raised her voice, "What are you looking at? Is this the first time you've seen a woman in your life?"

"No, but I've never seen a woman as wild and sexy as you are!" the driver teased. In his mind, he was imagining Rachel the way he wanted to.

Rachel was seething, but she decided to keep quiet as she thought there was no use arguing with someone like him. She quietly turned her gaze towards the scenery outside the window.

She didn't speak again for the rest of the two-hour drive. She asked the driver to go to Bernard's villa.


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