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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1639

"Do you really think that I am that indecisive and careless in a relationship?" Sheryl was speechless. She didn't know what she should say to convince Isla.

Everyone in town thought the reason why Lewis was so obsessed with Sheryl was that she was playing hard to get and she never gave him a solid "No". It was impossible for Sheryl to come clean against the Internet and all those rumors.

"That's odd. I don't see anything attractive in you. Why is Lewis so in love with you?"

Isla teased Sheryl to lighten the mood.

Sheryl was used to her remarks. She rolled her eyes at Isla, and then asked for advice.

"So… how are you going to deal with Lewis?" Isla muttered seriously as she stopped making fun of Sheryl.

Sheryl told Isla in detail what had happened over the past few days.

As Sheryl narrated her own thoughts, Isla remained silent, keenly listening to her friend. She seemed to be in deep thought. A few seconds later, she uttered, "Hide from him. That's the only thing you can do now."

Sheryl rolled her eyes again when she heard Isla's suggestion. Hiding from Lewis was surely not a permanent solution. It couldn't get to the bottom of the problem and fix it once and for all.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I am giving you my sincere and sensible suggestion!" Isla spread her hands to explain herself and looked at Sheryl, pouting her red rouged lips.

"I know. But that's not really a good suggestion, okay?" Sheryl got even more frustrated, to the point that she couldn't even catch her breath. Talking to unreasonable people or even uttering a single word further would make pain her.

Seeing Sheryl's frustration, Isla pondered on the supposedly serious question again. Then she said without jesting, "Actually, there is one solution."

"What?" Sheryl's eyes lit up as she heard that Isla might have a helpful suggestion. She looked into Isla's eyes excitedly, waiting for her further explanation.

"Well, we can cut all ties with Lewis. But in that case, Cloud Advertising Company will lose one of its biggest clients," Isla had gathered all her courage to offer this suggestion to the company president, which also happened to be her good friend.

Sheryl remained silent. She squinted, tried to process it, and eventually became lost in thought.

What Isla recommended was the last thing that Sheryl wanted to see happen. Losing a client and a friend was a big problem for her. If she and Lewis couldn't be lovers, Sheryl wished they could remain friends. But if she had to do what Isla suggested, they wouldn't be able to retain their friendship.

"Oh, my gosh, Sheryl! Why are you that silent? Are you attached to Lewis?!" Observing how Sheryl hesitated, Isla was convinced that Sheryl really had some feelings for Lewis.

Sheryl lifted her head to look Isla in the eye. She then shook her head and said, "Of course not, Isla. What are you thinking? I just don't want to be completely alienated from Lewis. I mean, we can be friends, can't we? But there seems to be no other option,"

Sheryl said after a long sigh, taking out her mobile phone to call Lewis.

Lewis didn't expect a call from Sheryl, so he quickly answered the phone in excitement.


Lewis didn't call Sheryl by her first name anymore and started calling her by her nickname since he had begun stalking her.

Sheryl knew she made the right decision when she heard the familiarity with which Lewis confidently greeted her. Losing a big client was way better than being in an ambiguous relationship, while being gossiped about by others.

"Lewis, I really don't think we are close enough for you to call me by my nickname. I hope you can call me Sheryl or President Xia," Sheryl responded coldly, trying to send a message.

Her cold voice sounded extremely harsh in Lewis's ears. From grinning from ear to ear when he picked up his phone, his fancy smile was now gone.

"Sheryl, I…"


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