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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1662

Charles answered all of Leila's questions. Then he squinted and asked anxiously, "What happened? Why is my mom in such poor health?"

The doctor had just stopped by to tell him that Melissa's health had only gotten worse.

Charles wondered what had happened during his coma. He wanted to know what had caused this.

Leila looked at Charles in embarrassment. She opened her mouth a few times, but nothing came out.

Seeing Leila's hesitance, Charles sensed that she knew something. He furrowed his brows and asked, "Leila, tell me what happened."

Charles glared at Leila. He didn't bother to hide how angry and annoyed he was.

"Charles, Aunt Melissa has been draining herself recently, and she's been worrying a lot too. That's why she gets sick a lot. She even fainted a few days ago, but she wouldn't let me tell you because she didn't want you to worry. I didn't want to call for a doctor either, because I don't want Aunt Melissa to get any bad news, in case she is really sick or something. Have you called the doctor? What did the doctor say?" Leila averted her eyes from Charles' gaze as she spoke. When she accidentally caught Charles' eye once, she immediately looked away.

"The same thing you told me. I want to know how this happened." Charles glared at Leila.

Leila bit her lip and continued, "It's because of Sheryl."

"What do you mean?" Upon hearing his wife's name, he narrowed his eyes and pressed Leila for more information.

Leila felt nervous and uncomfortable as Charles glared at her. She tried her best to keep calm. She gathered all of her courage, looked at Charles and said firmly, "When you were still in a coma, Sheryl treated Aunt Melissa so badly. And Sheryl was very close with Lewis back then. Sheryl and Lewis often saw each other in the hospital, and it goaded Aunt Melissa. So she dealt with a lot, and she was worrying a lot too."

Leila saw Charles had lower his head. It seemed as if he was lost in thought.

She told Charles everything about Sheryl and Lewis. Of course, not all of this was true. Leila was exaggerating her stories.

The more Charles listened to Leila, the more gloomy his face became. When Leila had finally finished speaking, Charles lifted his head and looked at Leila sharply.

It made Leila shiver. She quickly averted her gaze.

Charles asked coldly, "Did you really think that I would believe you?"

"I know you won't. But why would I lie to you? There are pictures and videos about them all over the Internet. You can Google them if you don't believe me. Plus, you can also ask your employees at the company. Everyone in the city knows about this," Leila said firmly. She tried her best to convince Charles.

Charles started to doubt himself. It seemed as if for once, Leila was telling the truth.

He remained silent. There was confusion in his eyes. After a long pause, he said to Leila, "Okay, I got it. Can you go and take care of my mom first? Tell me if anything happens."

Charles asked Leila to leave because he didn't want to see her, and he didn't want to hear Leila talking about Sheryl like that anymore.

Leila had said all that she needed to say. And she was glad that Charles seemed to believe her.

"Okay, you take care of yourself too." Leila said, sounding concerned. Then she left.

Nick was about to visit Charles. But when he saw Leila coming out from Charles' ward, he stopped.

Nick was confused. Charles was supposed to be mad at Leila. Why would she leave the room with a smile?

After giving it a thought, Nick decided to turn around and postpone his visit. After all, he wasn't exactly sure what happened between Charles and Leila. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to control himself in front of Charles.

Sheryl had also told him not to talk to Charles for the meantime about Leila. After all, Charles had just woken up, and he didn't need to be stressing about anything. All he needed now was rest. So even though Nick didn't want to, he knew he had to listen to Sheryl.

Nick went back to Cassie's room, frustrated.


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