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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1673

Listening to Sheryl's story, Nick decided not to tell Charles what Leila had done. But you gave Leila an inch, and she would take a mile. Leila was the one who had made a mistake. And yet, she acted like she was the one who had suffered, complaining about Sheryl in front of Charles, and irritating Nick. 'What's wrong with people nowadays?' Nick thought to himself.

Seeing Nick's disappointment, Sheryl grabbed his arms. Shaking her head, she sighed in frustration. "Do you think it will help if I tell Charles the truth?"

However, Sheryl understood that telling Charles the truth right now would do her no good. What was worse, Leila might take advantage of this, claiming that Sheryl was just putting the blame on the victim.

Back in the ward just now, Sheryl had realized that Charles didn't trust her anymore. And she dared not to take the risk. She was afraid that Charles wouldn't believe her, and being suspected again was the last thing she wanted to experience.

"So you just let Leila do whatever she wants? Although Charles is a little suspicious about you, that doesn't mean that he wouldn't believe you about other things. As long as you tell him the truth, and let him know what Leila has done, you can win back his trust!" Nick understood what Sheryl meant, but seeing Leila get the upper hand was annoying.

Listening to Nick's advice, Sheryl felt much better.

Nick was right. The reason why Charles was suspicious of her was because all the evidence was against her. But if Charles found out what Leila had done, he could see her true colors and would reconsider whether Leila was trustworthy and re-evaluate her words.

Sheryl smiled. It seemed that she could make a breakthrough in her deadlock. But then, she thought about Ferry.

Even if Sheryl could debunk Leila and makeup with Charles, so what? As long as Ferry was still out there to threaten her, Sheryl's problems would never end. It was a vicious circle.

If Ferry sent those pictures to Charles, no matter how much Charles trusted Sheryl, there would be a wedge between them. Things would never be the same once Charles saw those pictures, and they could never go back to those good old days.

So, why didn't they just split and divorce once and for all? There was no need to make a huge scene and fight with each other.

And even if Ferry didn't have those pictures, he could always find another way to torture Sheryl and force her to listen to him or force her to do his bidding. Thinking about this, Sheryl could barely catch her breath.

"Uh-huh, I know. Thank you for your advice, Nick. Well, I should go now. You should go and pick Cassie up," Sheryl told Nick. She didn't want him to be worried about her anymore.

Seeing that Sheryl had made up her mind, Nick got out of the car, shaking his head. Before he left, he reminded Sheryl to drive slowly.

"I am not a child. I know how to drive safely. You keep your eyes on the road too. Be the bigger man and make up with Cassie," Sheryl shouted at Nick's back.

Nick turned around and smiled back at Sheryl before he walked away.

Sheryl then drove back home directly.

On the other hand, Nick went to the café where Cassie was waiting.

When Nick arrived, Cassie was lost in thought. He tiptoed towards Cassie and patted on her shoulder, startling her.

"You scared me!" Cassie exclaimed, pretending that she was angry at him. Crossing her arms over her chest, Cassie took a deep breath.

Nick burst into laughter and pulled Cassie into his arms.

"Cassie, you know what, I bumped into Sher just now. She is being framed by Melissa and Leila, and Charles doesn't believe her. Sher was crying her heart out. At that moment, I realized that the luckiest, and happiest thing in the world is to be with someone that we love. Let's stop fighting and treasure our relationship, okay? From now on, I will always listen to you and will never ever upset you again. Let's stop fighting over silly things, okay?" Nick said sincerely, looking into Cassie's eyes.

As Sheryl had reminded Nick, he had also realized his mistakes.

"Sure. Nick, I am sorry too. I know I can be too self-centered sometimes. I will try to be more considerate in the future." Being moved by Nick, Cassie apologized too.


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