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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1680

"Is it because of Josef?" Isla suddenly became very anxious, worrying that Josef, Aron's cousin, was mistreating Phoebe. If that was the case, Sheryl wouldn't forgive Isla for introducing Josef to Phoebe. Of course, Isla wouldn't let Josef off the hook that easily.

"President Zhao, I'm fine. It's because of President Xia…" Phoebe answered as she pointed her finger towards Sheryl's office.

"What's wrong with Sher?" Isla narrowed her eyes and asked, her face had become concerned.

Phoebe bit her lips, hesitating. After a long moment of silence, Phoebe still hadn't spoken, only increasing Isla's anxiety.

"I'm going to ask her myself!" Isla pushed the door open and walked into Sheryl's office.

The moment Isla opened the door, she saw what Phoebe was referring to.

Sheryl had thought it was Phoebe, so she was surprised when she lifted her head and saw Isla.

Isla glared at Sheryl, making Sheryl a little bit uncomfortable. Suddenly, something occurred to Sheryl. She raised her hand in an attempt to cover the bruise on her face.

"Put your hand down. I've already seen it. I'm not blind." Isla rolled her eyes at Sheryl.

Sheryl was embarrassed. She held her hand in the air, not knowing what to do. Isla stared at her red and swollen face, and asked nervously, "Can you tell me what happened?" Isla looked into Sheryl's eyes. Sheryl knew that look, Isla was being very serious, and Sheryl couldn't lie to her.

With her mind being muddled, Isla was furious. All she wanted to know was who did this to Sheryl.

Sheryl put down her hand and walked towards Isla. She smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "It's nothing. It was an accident..."

"An accident? Someone slapped you by accident?" Isla knew that Sheryl was lying to her. She was angry and sad at the same time. On the one hand, she was pissed that Sheryl was hurt. On the other, she treated Sheryl as her best friend, and friends were supposed to support and help each other when they were in trouble. Sheryl lying to her, in Isla's eyes, meant that Sheryl didn't see Isla as her friend, so Isla snapped at Sheryl.

Sheryl could tell Isla was angry. Biting her lips, Sheryl remained silent and just looked at Isla.

When Sheryl didn't say anything, Isla pushed her and pointed her finger at her. She said in frustration, "Sheryl, are we friends? Tell me what happened. I'm here to support you. Isn't that what friends are for?"

"No, Isla. I…" Sheryl opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She didn't know where to start or how to tell Isla. Should she tell Isla that Charles had slapped her?

Sheryl didn't want to say that.

Instead, she lowered her head. Isla asked carefully, "Was it Charles?"

Sheryl was startled when she heard Isla. She lifted her head immediately and looked at Isla sadly.

Their eyes met, and everything fell into a thick silence.

"I knew it!" Isla knew that Sheryl was a terrible liar. Based on the look on Sheryl's face, Isla figured that she was right.

Sheryl freaked out. She looked around, trying to avoid Isla's gaze. She felt self-conscious, and she felt like Isla could see right through her.

"I'm going to find Charles now. What kind of man would hit his wife? He's such an asshole!"

Isla said furiously as she rolled her sleeves up as if she was going to kill Charles, which scared Sheryl.

Sheryl needed to stop Isla because she didn't know what Isla was going to do. She quickened her pace and stopped Isla at the office door.

"What's the point of confronting him? To ask him why he slapped me?" Sheryl's eyes welled up, and tears suddenly started falling down her face.


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