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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1683

"Tell Charles? Are you crazy? We know very well about Ferry. Let's say that Charles finds out, and he goes after Ferry. Are you sure Ferry won't harm Charles instead? What if we're making a bigger mess? What if the kids get dragged into this? And who knows? He might even go as far as to kill Charles. Do you think I'm going to risk it?" Sheryl helplessly told Isla.

Isla understood how Sheryl was feeling. Ferry was a sociopath, and there was a chance that Sheryl's greatest fears might come true.

When Sheryl saw the worried look on Isla's face, she patted Isla's shoulder. Even though she was just as scared as Isla was at the moment, she tried to comfort her. "Don't worry," she said. "If the end of my marriage guarantees everyone's safety, so be it. It'll be best for everyone if I divorce Charles."

Tears welled up in Sheryl's eyes as soon as the word "divorce" escaped her lips. She wasn't as strong as she had imagined herself to be. The thought of her leaving Charles filled her with sadness. She had wanted nothing more than to remain his wife and for them to raise their two lovely children together. Even if Leila had managed to cause a rift in Sheryl and Charles' marriage in the past, Sheryl still wanted Charles. She didn't want a divorce.

"Are you okay?" Isla asked. She had noticed that Sheryl had suddenly lowered her head.

Sheryl neither spoke nor raised her head. She merely nodded softly, letting her friend know that she was okay considering everything that was going on.

For a long while, they remained silent.

After the moment had passed, Sheryl suggested that they return to the office.

Isla nodded her agreement and went with Sheryl.

Eventually, the working day ended, and evening came.

Initially, Aron had planned to pick Isla up from work. However, today, he found himself stuck in a meeting, and thus, he couldn't come. It seemed that Isla had to go home by herself.

"Isla, come. I'll drive you home," Sheryl promptly offered. Apparently, on Sheryl's way down the stairs, she had overheard Isla talking to Aron on the phone. She had quickly figured out that Aron couldn't pick Isla up. Offering Isla a ride seemed like a good idea.

Upon hearing this, Isla beamed with delight. For one thing, she hadn't brought her own car to work. For another, accepting Sheryl's offer meant that they could chat during the drive home.

"This means a lot, Sher," said Isla. "Thank you so much!" She looked at Sheryl with grateful eyes.

Now that Sheryl was in a better mood, she pretended to throw up. She jokingly frowned and clutched her chest as if astonished by Isla's response. "Stop it," Sheryl said. "Why are you acting so polite? Are you ill?"

"Girl, this is for your benefit," Isla responded before throwing Sheryl a fake angry look.

Sheryl smiled knowingly and shook her head.

Moments later, they got into Sheryl's car. Without much ado, they were on their way to Isla's residence.

Sheryl had been driving for a while when she felt something was wrong. For some reason, she felt prompted to look behind them through the rear-view mirror. Isla, noticing this strange behavior, also looked behind them several times. She didn't find anything unusual. Confused, she asked Sheryl, "What do you keep looking at?"

"Haven't you noticed? That car has been following us for some time now." Sheryl stepped on the accelerator as she responded.

Isla started to panic. She looked at the reflection in the rear-view mirror once again. This time, she stared harder. Her voice shook as she spoke. "I think you're right! Has it been tailing us since we left work?"

"Call Aron and Nick and tell them what's happening. Then call the police. We'll drive straight to my house, instead of yours," Sheryl responded after some thought.

Isla nodded and proceeded to make the phone calls.

Soon, they reached Sheryl's high-security neighborhood. The guards opened the gate for them, and Sheryl hurriedly drove the car through. Sheryl and Isla wondered whether they were now safe. When Sheryl saw that the guards had closed the gate and that she and Isla were close to her house, she slowed down and killed the engine. Then, she and Isla nervously watched the events unfold on the rear-view mirror. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the guards talk to the men in the car that had been following them. But this relief was short-lived. The men ended their conversation with the guards, parked their car, closed the doors, and proceeded to enter the neighborhood on foot.

When Sheryl saw this, she tried restarting the engine. It remained dead. She grabbed Isla's arm and said, "Come on. We're going to run." Sheryl and Isla stepped out of the car. They were ready to run for their lives when something stopped them.

"Josef?" Isla mumbled. She had taken her first step forward when she thought she spotted Josef.

Sheryl stopped in her tracks upon hearing Isla. She couldn't make out what Isla had said, so she followed Isla's gaze instead. There, standing a few feet away from them, was Josef.

"What are you doing here!" Isla exclaimed. Without a second thought, she grabbed Sheryl's arm, and together, they ran toward Josef and hid behind him.

"My cousin called me just now. He's on his way here. The police are on their way as well. Are these the guys who are following you?" Josef frowned and looked at Isla with concern.


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