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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1685

"Of course. Or else why would I ask you to come in? Go work on it!" Sheryl exclaimed.

"Okay, Ma'am. I'll start working on it now." Suppressing her anxiety, Phoebe nodded before she stepped out of the room.

Sitting alone in her office, Sheryl fell into deep thoughts again. She couldn't tell whether she was doing the right thing or not, but she was sure that it was the only possible solution right now.

Meanwhile, in the Shining Company CEO's office.

It had only been two days since Charles had been discharged from the hospital. Without a doubt, there were a lot of things that he needed to deal with within the company. He clearly had his hands full all day.

Standing outside of Charles's office, David was hesitant to go in. He wasn't really sure whether he should knock or not. Looking down at the paper in his hand, he felt fear surging from his heart for the first time.

To him, the most complicated issue in this world was having a relationship. David heaved a bitter sigh, inhaled deeply, and finally knocked on the office's door.

"Come in!" Charles was busy reading some documents when he entered. Knowing that he had already permitted the visitor to come in, he didn't even raise his head. David closed the door behind him and walked towards his boss.

Noticing that Charles was busy reading something, David coughed softly to draw his attention. "Sir, here is a..." His sentence came to a sudden halt.

Charles waited for the next half of his sentence. When David didn't seem to want to continue, he looked up and ordered, "Say it!"

"Sir, we received a letter from Mrs. Lu's lawyer. She is going to sue you for the divorce." Mustering all the courage he had, David finished the sentence as he put the lawyer's letter on Charles's desk.

Putting down the document he was holding, Charles turned to stare at the piece of paper in front of him.

"All right. I get it. You can go now." Charles felt anger burning in his heart, but decided not to vent it on David. He tried to keep his temper, at least for now.

Hearing Charles' words, David heaved another sigh of relief and quickly left the office.

Soon enough, Charles was alone in his office again. Wearing a grim expression, he grabbed the piece of paper and tore it into pieces.

Charles could feel his heart thumping heavily in his chest. He had kept a passive attitude towards the entire 'divorce' thing. Initially, he thought that Sheryl was merely playing tantrums and that after she had enough of it, she would naturally come back to him. But to his surprise, she was seriously considering divorce this time!

Earlier today, Charles had planned to have a heart to heart talk with Sheryl, but that would have to wait until after he had dealt with company matters. However, the lawyer's letter was all that Sheryl had in store for him.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" Charles looked at the door after hearing someone was outside.

"Sir, the meeting with the sales department, scheduled for three pm, is starting soon. Is there anything else that you need me to prepare?" His secretary reported as she walked into the office.

"All good. I'll be coming soon," Charles replied in a low voice.

Hearing Charles' order, the secretary went to prepare for the meeting. As she left, she couldn't help wondering what had happened to the CEO.

After seeing the irritation in Charles' eyes, as well as the paper on the floor that had been torn into pieces, she couldn't come up with anything that could have triggered her boss. 'Never mind then, ' she thought.

Half an hour later, Charles went to the boardroom to join the rest of his team.

The people in charge of the sales departments were already in the boardroom when he entered.


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