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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1687

"I'm not worried about him. I just, just... He's still the father of my children, so I still care about him somehow. Well, that's it. Okay, bye." Sheryl ended the call before Nick could even respond.

She knew that she almost gave herself away. She didn't want Nick to worry, so she had no choice but to lie to him.

Nick looked at his phone and shook his head. He couldn't help but mutter, "Sher, I understand you, and I know what you want to do."

After Sheryl had talked to Nick, she calmed down. She didn't think of Charles again as she went back to working.

In the Shining Company

"Did you say that Mr. Lu was in a bad mood at the meeting?" Leila asked when she saw the secretary, who had been there at the meeting, crying.

The secretary nodded as she wiped her tears away. She said in a low voice, "I spilled hot water on Mr. Lu."

"Did he get hurt?" Leila asked in a serious tone.

When Leila saw her shake her head, she sighed in relief.

"That's okay. You're lucky that you didn't get fired for that." Then Leila looked at Charles' office.

After a while, she decided to take Charles a cup of coffee.

Leila thought she had some privileges because Melissa was loyal to her. So she just entered the office without knocking.

"Charles, I brought you coffee," Leila said as she placed the cup of coffee on the desk where he was working.

"Did I allow you to come in?" Charles said, lifting his head to look at Leila.

Leila was embarrassed and cast a glance at Charles. Then she said, "Charles, I'm very worried about you. That's why I came over. You know, Aunt Melissa asked me to look after you. If something goes wrong with you in the company, Aunt Melissa will blame me."

Leila's voice sounded sharp to Charles. He couldn't help but frown.

When Leila finished speaking, Charles said, "I'm okay. If my mom asks about me, just tell her I'm okay."

"Okay, Charles, don't worry. I'll comfort Aunt Melissa. You should take care of yourself. Drink this coffee, okay? I'm going." Then she left.

Leila knew what was going on. She knew that Charles was upset, so she left before he took it out on her.

When Leila had left, Charles couldn't go back to work. Sheryl wanted a divorce, and the project was running into some problems. Leila and Melissa weren't helping with his stress, either.

He stood in front of the glass window and looked at the skyscrapers, hoping everything would figure itself out.

Time passed and soon it was time to get off from work. Leila asked Charles to go home.

"I still have some work to do. You can go ahead," Charles answered blankly as he continued to work.

"Okay, I'm going. We'll wait for you, so we can all have dinner together." Leila left as soon as she finished speaking. She closed the door before Charles answered.

Leila deliberately chose those words. When she spoke, she used a loud voice, so all could hear her words. As she left Charles's office, she found that she'd gotten the reaction she was hoping for.


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