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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1689

"Okay, let's wait for Shirley, and then we'll all go to bed together, all right?" Sheryl patted Clark's head.

Shirley came out of the bathroom before too long.

When she was with the kids, Sheryl felt like all her worries had disappeared. Everything seemed to be fine when the kids were around.

Before they went to sleep, Sheryl told them a bedtime story, and the kids fell asleep before she'd even finished the story. Sheryl made sure that the kids were covered with a blanket, and then she turned the light off and left the kids' room.

Sitting on the couch, Sheryl fell into her reveries again.


At the Urban Bar, Ferry was drinking with his men. The waitresses in the bar didn't react to him, even when he tried to flirt with them.

Feeling irritated, he suddenly thought of Holley. His lips curled into a smile, as if he had thought of something interesting. Taking out his phone, he called her up.

After a few seconds, Holley picked up the phone.

"Get over to the Urban Bar now!" Ferry didn't even wait for the woman at the other end of the line to reply before he hung up the phone on her.

Holley was about to go to sleep when the call came in. Hands trembling, she picked up the phone.

Even though the call only lasted for a few seconds, she still couldn't help trembling. 'What does he want this time?' Holley wondered in fear.

She hesitated for a few minutes, but ultimately decided to heed his order.

Half an hour later, Holley arrived at the bar.

The moment Holley took her seat next to Ferry, he put his arm around her. Flicking her chin, he said, "What? Didn't you want to come?"

"I do want to be here!" Holley answered as she kept her head bowed.

"You look like you're being forced. Well, if you didn't want to come, then why are you still here? Why would you do something you don't want to do?" Ferry questioned in a mocking tone.

After he finished speaking, he started to force Holley to drink some alcohol.

"Cough! Cough!"

Holley felt like her throat was burning. 'If I continue to drink, ' she thought, 'I might die here."

The liquor was too strong for Holley to take.

Ferry definitely had no sympathy for the woman, nor did he worry about her. Pinching her chin, he smiled coldly.

To Holley, he looked even scarier when he smiled.

"Why aren't you talking at all? Are you dumb?" Ferry yelled at Holley.

"What do you want me to say?" Holley shot back helplessly, but she still didn't dare to look into his cold eyes.

"Don't be so obtuse. Just say something to entertain me." Ferry's hands found their way onto Holley's thigh, and then they slowly moved up.

Holley's heart almost jumped out of her throat, but she bore it in silence. She had no courage to resist him. In front of Ferry, she was as docile as a sheep.

It just so happened that Black was also in the bar.


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