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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1691

"Alright. I get it. Keep an eye on Holley the next couple of days. Notify me of her movements!" As soon as Rex gave his order, he hung up the phone.

'Okay, Holley and Ferry. Let's see what you're up to, ' Rex thought.

The following morning came. Melissa went downstairs and was surprised to see Charles lying on the couch in the lobby.

She quickly walked over to him and noticed something curious--Charles hadn't changed his clothes. Melissa concluded that he had spent the night on that very spot.

"Mom, you're here," Charles said sleepily. He had heard Melissa's footsteps and was awakened by them.

Melissa's eyes were immediately filled with sadness. She asked him, "Charles, didn't you go back to your room last night?"

"I was taking care of things and happened to fall asleep. By the way, Mom, you can go ahead and have breakfast without me. I'm going upstairs to take a shower!" Without waiting for a response, Charles stood up and made his way up the stairs.

Before he reached the landing, Leila came out of her room.

She beamed at Charles and greeted him with an enthusiastic tone, "Good morning, Charles!"

Charles nodded and didn't say a word.

When Melissa was sure he had gone into his room, she urgently signaled for Leila to come to her.

Confused, Leila quietly asked, "What had happened, Aunt Melissa?"

"Leila," Melissa began to explain, "Charles didn't go back to his room last night. He had slept on the couch. How uncomfortable it must have been!" While she spoke, she worriedly looked in the direction of Charles' bedroom door.

"He slept here?" Leila asked, pointing at the couch and frowning in disbelief.

Melissa nodded her head in response.

Shaking her head helplessly, Leila said, "Aunt Melissa, we should make Sheryl leave as soon as possible. Take a look at what's happening! Charles is suffering because of that woman!"

Leila had a hand on her chest, looking genuinely heartbroken. She looked like she was about to cry.

Melissa hurriedly motioned for Leila to sit down. She helped her onto the couch and asked anxiously, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Aunt Melissa, I feel uneasy. Charles loves Sheryl so, so much, but that woman keeps torturing him. I feel so sorry for him!" Leila exclaimed. This time, tears trickled down her cheeks.

Melissa patted Leila on the back and sighed. "I won't allow them to stay together," she said. "Don't be sad, Leila. Now that Sheryl has a lawyer involved, it won't be long before they bring the issue to court. I'll make sure that Charles divorces Sheryl. I'm confident that he won't choose Sheryl over me."

Melissa had already made up her mind. She was determined to break the couple up. Otherwise, she wouldn't have said such a thing. Leila had been waiting for this moment as well. Having just heard Melissa's vow, she knew that Charles' mother was on her side.

After breakfast, Charles promptly made his way downstairs.

"Charles," Melissa called out. "You're going to the office anyway. Why don't you take Leila along?" Although Melissa had made it sound like a suggestion, she had already asked Leila to pack her bag and wait at the door.

It was early in the morning, and Charles was not in the mood to argue with his mother. He was annoyed, but he agreed.

After Charles got into his car, he positioned himself at the steering wheel without opening the door for Leila. While slightly offended, Leila decided not to pay attention to this act of rebellion. Instead, to avoid aggravating him any further, she opened the door to the backseat herself and quietly sat down.

"Remember to drive carefully. If you're free tonight, do come back for dinner!" Melissa's voice rang as she stood by the doorway. She looked on as the two were about to leave for work.

Leila felt quite touched by the gesture. It was as if Melissa was seeing her son and daughter-in-law off. Smiling, she responded, "Okay, Aunt Melissa!"


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