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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1693

Holley chewed her lower lip. She didn't know how to face Black anymore. After all the love and care Black had showered her with, she still had the audacity to hurt him time and again.

Her heart was heavy with guilt and sorrow. She dropped onto her bed, covered her head with her pillow, and burst into tears. Her sobs echoed across her room.

"Knock! Knock!" Someone knocked on Holley's door.

It sent shivers down her spine. Holley immediately became anxious when she thought it might be Black. Her mind was frazzled when thinking of what she should say to him. "For Pete's sake! You've got this," Holley told herself and took a deep breath to calm herself before finally opening the door.

When she had opened the door, Holley's eyes widened in confusion. It wasn't Black, instead, there were two strange men.

Then she narrowed her eyes cautiously, as her voice shook. "W-Who are you, and how did you find me?"

"There's no need for you to know. You'd better come with us! I don't want to be rude towards you," one of the men said impatiently. It seemed like these two strange men worked for Rex.

"What makes you think that I am coming with you? Who the hell do you think you are?" Holley tried her best to shut the door, but the men had anticipated what she was about to do and were quicker than her. One of the men had placed his foot in the door to prevent it from closing.

He smiled viciously as he warned Holley, "Ah, Ms. Holley, our boss told us to bring you to him. Unfortunately, he didn't mention whether you needed to be alive or not. So be a good girl, unless you want us to bring your corpse to him!"

Holley was suddenly alerted by his threat. She was dumbfounded and scared at the same time. She tried to rack her brains but still couldn't figure out who she had offended this time.

"Huh? Who is your boss? Tell me!" Even though she was scared as hell, Holley plucked up all her courage and still put on a brave front.

"Like we said, it's none of your fucking business. Now get your stupid ass up and come with us!"

Both men had already lost their patience. Without any warning, they grabbed Holley by the arms and dragged her out of the room.

"No! Let go of me, you bastards! Help! Somebody, help me!" Holley yelled out loud, hoping someone could hear her and come to her aid.

"Shut your trap, you bitch!"

One of the men took out a sharp knife from his pocket and pointed it at Holley's face. "If you don't shut up, I will slit your throat!"

Holley immediately went silent. Right now, it was her safety that mattered the most. Right now, she needed to stay calm and not get on their nerves. She could think of another way to escape later.

They brought Holley to one of Rex's mansions in the suburbs. Rex was smart enough not to have Holley brought back to his home. He didn't want Black to find out about this and start a fight with him over some woman.

Holley was brought into the living room. A man came to sit in front of her, and Holley immediately recognized him.

"G-Good day, Uncle Hu. What is this about? If you wanted to see me, you could just have called me. I am more than glad to see you," Holley greeted Rex nervously with her voice shaking.

"Stop yapping. Do you think I wanted to see your face? Don't flatter yourself, wench. You should thank Black. I'm being very nice to you because of him. Don't call me Uncle. You're not a part of our family!" Holley's attitude had angered Rex even more. He couldn't restrain himself from yelling and cursing her.

Rex's thundering voice sent shivers down Holley's spine. She could only stand silently, not daring to move at all. All that she could do was to nervously look down at her feet.

"Why have you done that to my son? Is he treating you badly? I wouldn't say that! After all, he loves you with all of his being, and he treats you like a queen!" Rex questioned Holley angrily.

Holley didn't dare to respond. Even though Rex hadn't told her the reason why he was mad at her, she knew that it must have something to do with what happened last night. She had no idea what Ferry had done to Black. Whatever it was, Black must have suffered badly last night.

"Holley, did you really think that the Hu Family couldn't do anything to you? Have you forgotten what you have promised? Are you ready to face the consequences of the promises which you have broken?" Rex could only glare mercilessly at her.

Rex massaged the bridge of his nose. He knew that he would have beaten this woman to death already if it weren't for Black.


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