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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1701

It was a restless night for Sheryl. Her heart was torn into pieces when she saw Charles being so intimate with Leila. She drove her car as fast as she could, caring nothing about safety.

Tears were rolling from her beautiful eyes. It kept flowing down her cheeks. Her vision was already blurry, and she couldn't even see what was on the road. Despite that, she still didn't wipe off her tears. She wished that her sorrow could be like the tears that dried on their own. Sheryl continued to cry as if she could release all of the sadness within her.

Meanwhile, at Holley's home

Just like Sheryl, Holley was having a hard time too.

Whenever she thought about Ferry and Black, she felt pain and tightness in her chest. It was an emotional torture.

She kept on moving on her bed. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but couldn't find a way to fall asleep. She had so much on her mind.

After a while, she sat up straight and cleared her mind. She had decided that she would just let whatever came be. Holley realized that she couldn't hide this from the Hu family anymore. She needed to fix this problem once and for all. She needed to take a risk.

She took a deep breath and fished her cellphone out of her pocket. Even though she hesitated for a while, she ended up dialing Ferry's number.

Ferry was relaxing in his mansion. He didn't expect Holley would call him. He smiled and answered the call, "Oh. It is you, babe. I am so surprised that you would call me. Did you miss me?" Ferry teased Holley.

Holley had thought that she would no longer be afraid to hear Ferry. However, she wasn't as tough as she had thought she would be and had just overestimated herself. Ferry's voice was scary and threatening.

Holley couldn't help but shiver. She remained silent for a long time.

"Don't be so rude. I'm asking you, Holley. Why aren't you answering me?" The happiness in Ferry's voice was gone. He became a bit angry when Holley ignored him on the other end of the line.

"Can I see you in person?" Holley asked. She finally broke her silence.

"Alright. So you missed me." A smile started to form on his lips, and then Ferry continued, "Come to the mansion in the suburbs in half an hour. Don't be late, or I will be very mad at you!" Ferry lowered his voice and threatened Holley.

Holley looked at her watch and hung up immediately.

She knew that it was far away from her home. The time that had been given to her was very tight. She grabbed her car keys and rushed downstairs. She sped off to the mansion. But she was still late when she got there.

Holley stood outside the door. She took a deep breath and looked at her watch--it was already past midnight. It was really quiet, and there weren't many people around. The door was open, and it was kind of creepy

Holley was about to knock on the door. Suddenly, one of Ferry's subordinates came out and closed the door to her.

"I'm sorry, but you're already late. My boss asks that you wait for him in the next house!" the man explained to Holley.

"And where is that located?" Holley asked while she was trying to capture every expression on his face.

No matter how much she wanted to know how angry Ferry was, she couldn't make an educated guess about what was waiting for her.

Unfortunately, she got nothing.

The man seemed to be impatient when he pointed his fingers at a house next to the mansion.

Before Holley could even react, she was already in the house.


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