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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1720

Sheryl was in despair. Charles noticed this, but he couldn't bring himself to say something. He felt a little threatened and worried as he rarely saw Sheryl like this.

By now, Leila was also scowling like Sheryl was. She'd figured Charles would have noticed the efforts she'd put into pleasing him. To her dismay, things didn't happen as she expected. Charles didn't treat her any differently; instead, he still suspected her. She didn't know what to think of Charles because he was acting like a cold-blooded animal right now.

"Charles, it wasn't me! You have to believe me! How could I do something like that?" Leila denied. She gave Charles a look as if to try and dispel his suspicion.

"Enough! I'm not an idiot! I've had enough of this! You've never trusted me!" Sheryl shouted angrily at Charles.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She was now letting out all the distress and pain that had been bottled up in her heart.

Charles could feel Sheryl's pain. He tried to reach out his hand to wipe her tears away, but his hand was just shoved aside.

"Sher, I trust you. Of course, I trust you!" Charles tried to reason with Sheryl.

As he spoke, his hand was still reaching out for Sheryl. Sheryl only kept staring back at him. As Charles was about to caress Sheryl's face, she avoided his touch and slapped his hand away. She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand and yelled, "I don't care if you trust me or not! I just want Shirley back. If she doesn't come back, you're all paying for it."

Sheryl was at a loss—she didn't know what she was going to do as no one trusted her, not even her husband. She felt she was going crazy, especially if she continued to stay in this room any longer.

Without missing a beat, Sheryl turned and rushed out of the room, ready to leave Dream Garden.

Upon seeing this, Charles felt anxious. He attempted to follow Sheryl, but he felt a grip on his arm from behind. It was Melissa. She acted fast as she knew she couldn't let Charles follow Sheryl.

"Charles, why are you being so stupid? If Shirley really is missing, then why would she waste time on us, instead of just putting all her efforts into looking for Shirley? I think she's just making this up. I don't think Shirley's even missing," Melissa said firmly.

Charles hesitated upon seeing the determined look on Melissa's face. He stayed put while he thought this over.

When Melissa noticed that Charles was hesitating, she continued, "The reason why Sheryl came here in the first place was just to mess with us! She must be up to something! Maybe she wants you to chase after her! I don't think she truly cares about you. If she did, why would she lie to you like that?"

"Enough! Mom, Sheryl won't risk Shirley's life just to trick me!" Charles interrupted Melissa before she could finish talking. He couldn't stand hearing Melissa talk about Shirley like that.

"Charles, I'm going to tell you something. Yesterday, I went to talk to her. She must've gotten angry with that, so she came here today to tell us off. She's just looking for trouble. If Shirley is really missing, why have we not heard about it from the press? It would be a major event that would definitely be reported on! But only Sheryl seems to know that Shirley is missing. Don't you think that's strange?" Melissa said, trying to prove her point.

Leila was quietly standing next to Melissa and watched the shift on Charles' face as Melissa tried to reason with him.

"Charles, when Sheryl came here and saw that you weren't here yet, she threatened us. You should've heard all the things she was saying! She wasn't even listening to us. It was all ridiculous. Then she threatened all of us again right to your face! Can't you see what kind of woman she is? She doesn't even care about you anymore!" Leila finally added when she noticed Charles' doubts growing.

It worked as Charles was convinced that Sheryl had indeed changed. She didn't love or care about him anymore. If she did, how could she say such spiteful words to him?


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