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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1733

After Black hung up on Holley, he called Rex right away.

Rex was in the Hu mansion. He didn't expect that Black would call him. He took a sip of his tea before he picked up the call.

"Dad, I need to go to the East City Police Station. Holley's there. I need to bail her out!" Black said to Rex anxiously.

Rex thought that something urgent had happened, and Black needed his help or that Black was finally seeing the light, and giving up on his relationship with Holley like Rex had always wanted. Instead, Black was calling for help for that damned woman!

"You can't just…"

"Dad, go to the East City Police Station now. I'm on my way too,"

Black said. After he finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone without giving Rex a chance to respond.

Even though Rex was disappointed that his own son had hung up on him, he still asked the driver to go to the police station. He wanted to see what Holley was up to now.

After speaking with Rex, Black then told the police that he needed to leave now. He was always impulsive like that. Whenever he thought of doing something, he always went in head first, without thinking of any possible consequences. The police were at a loss as to what to do. They scratched their heads, confused.

"What are you doing just looking at me? I need to go to the East City Police Station, and it's urgent. So if I need to sign anything, just tell whoever's in charge to call my Dad!"

Black made his way to the door and left.

In the East City Police Station

"Tell me, what happened?" the police officer coldly asked Ronald, as he carefully placed a piece of paper and a voice recorder on the desk.

Ronald raised both of his hands as if to say he was innocent. He said, "Sir, none of this is my fault. She seduced me! How could I resist that?"

"Lies! I didn't seduce you. You wanted to put your hands on me!" The last thing Holley had expected of Ronald was that he'd twist the story like that. It irked her to hear that, and she knew she had to defend herself.

"Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you're not setting me up," Ronald argued, pointing his fingers at Holley.

Holley was too angry and upset to utter a word. She was the victim here, not Ronald. Why was she suddenly being blamed?

When Holley remained silent, Ronald continued, "I can't lie to the police. I know that you purposely bumped into my car so you could seduce. You planned all of this, didn't you? Why would you do this do me? I don't even know you!" Ronald accused. He continued to pretend like he was the victim, and put all the blame on Holley.

"These are all lies! You hit me and forced me inside your car! I don't..."

Holley felt like she had already lost this battle. She couldn't believe that there were still people as shameless as Ronald was. Her eyes welled up with tears. She couldn't even continue to defend herself because she was too upset.

"Look at yourself! You say you didn't seduce me, but why the hell would you dress like that if it wasn't true?" Ronald snidely added as he eyed Holley from head to toe.

Holley lowered her head and looked at herself. When the police officer had taken them to the station, she had panicked and had forgotten to put her clothes back on, after Ronald had ripped them off. Now she really did look like a prostitute.

She blushed in embarrassment. She just wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself in it.

"Alright, you two, stop. Tell me what happened exactly, and I don't want you to skip any details. We'll investigate this."

The police officer was already fed up with Holley and Ronald's fighting. He gestured for them to shut up.


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