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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1743

Sheryl was fuming as she thought hard about everything that had been going on. Finally, she had had enough. The moment she made up her mind to go to Shining Company and see Charles, she began gathering her things.

No matter what was bound to happen this time, Sheryl was determined to find out everything she could. If Charles still refused to sign the divorce papers, she would fight with everything she had. She didn't mind butting heads with anyone.

As soon as Sheryl stepped out of her office, her phone rang. It was Isla calling.

As a matter of fact, Isla had been calling the entire day, but Sheryl's phone had been busy during each call. It had been driving Isla nuts. When the call finally connected, Isla pouted and asked with exaggerated sadness in her voice, "Sheryl, who have you been talking to this entire time? I couldn't reach you. It seemed like you were on the phone with someone for an unbelievably long time. Should I be jealous?"

Isla had said all this in jest, but Sheryl was not in the mood to participate. It was fortunate that they were talking on the phone. This way, Isla had no way of seeing the look of sorrow on Sheryl's face. If they had been talking face to face, Isla would have felt just as sad for her friend.

Sheryl drew in a deep breath and spoke into her phone, "Isla, Charles is with Leila again. I want a divorce, but he's not cooperating. Right now, I'm on my way to Shining Company. I'm about to clear things out and find out exactly what's going on. You and Aron enjoy yourselves. I have to hang up now."

Sheryl, in an anxious state, had said all this in one breath. She was about to end the call when she heard Isla's slightly panicked voice.

"Ah, wait a moment!" Isla shouted. Sheryl's finger was hovering over the End Call button, but she didn't press it.

"What?" Sheryl had no choice now but to let Isla speak. There had been genuine urgency in Isla's voice.

"It's possible that there's one thing you still don't know. It's important, and I think you should know..." Isla hesitated.

She didn't know if it was the right time to tell Sheryl. After all, Sheryl was undoubtedly already feeling terrible at the moment. Isla had always thought it was because of things that remained unclear between Charles and Leila.

"What's the matter? Just tell me," Sheryl asked, feeling confused. If Isla had been there, she would have seen Sheryl's bemused frown.

"Charles' company lost a big project recently, greatly damaging the company's reputation. I think this is not the best time to go there. I heard from some of the Shining Company employees that Charles is dispirited these days. I heard that he drinks every day to deal with his worries."

Just like Sheryl had before, Isla also said all this in one breath. As she was speaking, she noticed that Sheryl had not reacted at all, so she stopped and waited to see if Sheryl had anything to say.

When Sheryl heard this revelation, she felt uneasy.

She knew Charles wouldn't make this kind of mistake. Something suddenly occurred to her. What if Charles couldn't focus on his own issues because she was pestering him about the divorce? Could this have caused him to make the careless mistake that endangered the company?

At this thought, Sheryl shrank back. The will to confront Charles was gone. Only guilt remained in her heart.

"Sher, are you okay?"

Isla waited for a long while and didn't hear a peep from her friend. She began to worry that she had made Sheryl feel worse than she had at the beginning.

Sheryl detected a hint of worry in Isla's voice. She instinctively shook her head, but then she remembered that they were talking on the phone and that Isla could not see her.

She cleared her throat and responded softly, "Don't worry. I am fine. Have a great time with Aron. I can't wait for you to get back."

Her response had been casual. It was as if they had not been talking about anything serious at all. Her calm tone broke Isla's heart.

Isla knew that Sheryl was hiding her emotions and keeping her pain to herself again.

She wanted nothing more at the moment than to fly home and hug Sheryl. If only Sheryl knew that she needed to treat herself better. Isla wanted to comfort her and tell her that all this would pass.


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