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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1753

Upon hearing this from Ferry, she promptly leaned against his chest. She'd always known that Ferry was seeing someone else. Now that the other woman was gone, she figured that this was her chance to step up and finally become Ferry's only woman.

However, what she didn't know was that Ferry had only one woman in his heart—his girlfriend. Different women came and went, but only his girlfriend remained in his heart.

Jason had been sitting in his car for quite a while.

Upon ending the call with Ferry, he heaved a sigh of relief. He snapped out of his trance when the wind blew on his face. Then he got out of his car and went inside his house.

When he got to his room, he immediately headed for the couch. 'It seems as if Ferry is really concerned about my marriage to Holley.

No matter what, I have to keep an eye on Holley, ' he thought to himself.

As he thought of this, he knew he had to call Holley even though it was already so late at night.

Holley was sleeping when the call came. It took her some time to realize that someone was calling her, but she had no intention of answering the call. Covering her head with her blanket, she decided to go back to sleep.

However, the phone kept ringing, so she had to answer the call. Still sleepy, she picked up the call and blurted out, "Who's this?"

"Sweetheart, why do you sound so agitated? Is it because you haven't seen me for the entire day?" Jason figured Holley was in a bad mood because she was already sleeping when he called. Still, he flirted with her.


Holley thought she must have heard him wrong, then she glanced at the caller ID and was able to confirm that it was indeed Jason. She grew impatient and said, "Why are you calling?"

"I'm just calling to remind you that we're getting married the day after tomorrow. So you have to be prepared, all right?" Jason said gently.

"All right. All right. Goodbye!"

Holley was annoyed with the sudden phone call. She didn't bother letting Jason know how angry she was, because she was so sleepy that she just wanted to get it over with and go back to sleep.

Despite Holley's obvious annoyance, Jason was relieved after the call.

The following day, Holley felt ill at ease.

Soon, she was going to have to register for her marriage to Jason. That marriage certificate signified what her life was going to be. The mere thought of it made Holley almost want to kill herself.

She'd never do that, though. She'd buried so much anger in her heart, that she felt like she was going to explode if she didn't let it out soon. As a result, she ended up taking it all out on her colleagues. Anyone who came across her she would throw a fit at. Perhaps, that was the only way she could let it all out.

Jason patiently waited at Holley's office building, afraid that she'd suddenly do something that wasn't planned.

Only when the evening came, and Jason saw with his own two eyes that Holley was heading straight home did he leave, assured that nothing was going to go wrong.

He felt excited at the thought of marrying Holley.

Jason knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep, even if he came back home, so he just decided to go to the bar. This was going to be his last night of freedom, for he was going to have a family once he was a married man. It wouldn't be appropriate for him to still be hanging out around bars then.

Soon after, Jason arrived at the bar.

The music blared out over the dance floor. Everyone was shaking their hips, swinging to the side, and dancing their hearts out. This was a good way to let out all their stress and pressure.

The moment he sat down, several women came over and sat next to him.

Jason raised his head when he noticed that someone was approaching. The women were sexy and curvy. A sly smile broke onto Jason's face.


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