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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1760

"Ha-ha-ha, Mr. Hu. I was just kidding. Truly, I know you have nothing to do with this. It was all my fault. One of my men betrayed me. I should have been more vigilant with him. I had put too much trust in him. As a result, you and I are both suffering. How can I blame you?" Ferry said with a smile.

"Well, I am happy you have realized that…"

Rex hung up the phone, after exchanging a few pleasantries with Ferry.

After the phone call ended, Ferry gestured for his staff to come in. He glared at them and demanded, "Have you located Jason's whereabouts?"

"Well, boss…we are still looking for him," the man heading the group stammered as he replied. Unable to look straight into Ferry's eyes, he dropped his head, trying to control his trembling voice.

He knew how eagerly Ferry was trying to find Jason. He had designated this man and several others of his staff to look for him. They had been combing the city across its length and breadth but in vain. They could not find a single clue that could lead them to Jason. There was no trace of Jason anywhere.

"Get out of here! I don't want to see your face until and unless you find Jason for me! Even better, don't bother to come back!"

Ferry burst out. He turned his back toward his staff and looked in another direction. All the politeness that he showed while talking to Rex had disappeared. Seething in rage, Ferry banged his phone on the ground. "Thud!!!" The medal-shell device scattered apart into pieces.

The sound of the mobile shattering into pieces made all his staff shiver in fear. There was pin-drop silence in the room. Everyone was waiting for Ferry's next move with bated breath.

After Ferry was a little pacified, he turned towards his men again. And he yelled once again, making a distorted face that revealed his disgust towards them. He shouted, "Why are you still standing there? What are you waiting for? Get your asses into action! Do you want me to tell you how to do your job?"

"No, Boss! We are leaving right away! We will get the job done as soon as possible!" All of the staff stumbled out of the door as they tried to leave in a hurry. None of them wanted to stay there and face Ferry's rage.

Ferry was determined to find Jason no matter what. He was ready to go to any extent, pay any price he would have to, just to find Jason. He was firm in his resolution. Even if Jason was dead, he needed to find his corpse.

Ferry had zero tolerance for betrayal. Hence, he wouldn't let Jason get away with it easily.

Before Jason worked for Ferry, he had been nothing but a lost soul. Ferry had picked him up from the streets and trained him to be capable enough to become his henchman. The last thing Ferry had expected from Jason was that he would turn his back on Ferry. What added fuel to the fire was when Ferry thought of the resources and time he had invested in Jason. Once again, Ferry lost his cool and banged his hand down on the table.

Rex could see through Ferry's fake courtesy.

He knew Ferry was arrogant. Unfortunately for Ferry, this time, he failed in his judgment and was betrayed by his own man. Rex would keep this in mind. And one day, it could become the derision he would use to humiliate Ferry.

Rex detested such associations and would always stay aloof from such a mess and smirk. But his son was his major drawback. All because of Black, Rex had to stoop down to such a level, where he had to associate with the likes of Ferry. As Ferry was aware that Black was Rex's weakness, Rex also wanted to find a weak point in Ferry.

Besides, he still needed Ferry to help him do away with Holley.

Checking on his watch for the time, Rex realized it was getting too late. He picked up his cell phone and ordered his men to find Holley.

Rex knew that he did not have the luxury of wasting time. As long as Holley was out there for even one more day, he could not rest. How many sleepless nights he had spent because of Holley! He even had nightmares that Black would die because of her. In Rex's eyes, Holley's existence was not only his son's bad luck but also a bane for him!

At the time that Holley was just about to lapse into her dream, a shrill noise woke her up. She heard someone was banging on the door, trying to break into her room. She calmed herself and tried to listen to the noise properly. Upon hearing better, she realized that there was more than one person outside the door. She immediately became alert, as she realized the uninvited persons must have come with evil intents.

She was scared and started to pace back and forth to think of a plan to escape from the house. She rushed to the balcony as she felt it was the only way she could find to escape. In her mind, as long as she was careful and bold, she could safely jump onto the balcony of the adjacent house and then run away.

Though she had never undertaken such a dangerous stunt ever before; however, at the moment she was left with no other choice than to do it. While she was carefully leaping from one balcony to the other, she almost lost her balance and nearly fell from the platform. But, ultimately, she succeeded.

Just in time, when she got herself through the neighbor's door to hide, she heard the door in her bedroom being kicked open. Several guys stomped into her room, causing a tremendous noise at once.


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