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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1765

Doctor Liu's reluctance was in stark contrast with Holley's excitement. She eagerly nodded her head, held the doctor's hands in hers, and exclaimed, "Thank you, Dr. Liu! Thank you so much!"

After sighing heavily, Dr. Liu began preparing two medical certificates—one with the actual results of Holley's check-up and one with falsified information. Satisfied, Holley walked out of the doctor's office.

Outside the door, the guards had been waiting anxiously. The moment Holley stepped out into the corridor, they went over to her. "How was it?" they asked, demanding to know what the doctor had said.

"I don't know yet. I have to wait for the results of the test to come out," Holley responded, her voice not betraying her emotions.

Holley gingerly sat down on one of the chairs along the corridor. The guards waited along with her. Half an hour later, the receptionist called her back into the office. Her results were out. She went back into the room and was handed two certificates without the guards knowing.

She left her legitimate medical certificate with Doctor Liu. When she went back out, she held only one piece of paper—her fake certificate.

"How was it?" the guards asked again, this time looking more impatient.

"Take a look for yourself,"

Holley answered as she handed the document to the guards. Then she coolly looked away, careful not to reveal her discomfort.

Because of Holley's unreadable demeanor, the guards had no idea what the results were. Before they read the document with their own eyes, none of them could even guess what they were about to see. They looked at one another, and one guard took it upon himself to unfold the piece of paper.

After inspecting the document, the guards quietly nodded among themselves and called Rex.

In the Hu's residence, Rex was anxiously pacing back and forth. When the phone finally rang, he stopped in his tracks and darted to where the phone was.

"How was it?"

"Sir, it's true! Holley is pregnant!"

The guard who called had known that Rex was hoping for a grandchild. Naturally, he was unable to keep his voice low.

"Really? Are you sure? Is this a hundred percent certain?" Rex asked in disbelief.

After hearing confirmation from the guards, he sighed deeply. 'Finally, the Hu's blood shall live on!' he thought. Still holding the phone, he made his way toward the staircase.

He had to tell Black the exciting news. However, on his way up, something stopped him.

A thought occurred to him. He decided that now was not the best time to tell Black. If his son found out, there was no doubt he would stop at nothing to find Holley again. But Holley had no use for Rex. He only wanted what was in her belly.

'I have to come up with a way to get my hands on the baby and get rid of Holley, ' he thought.

At once, he instructed the guard on the other end of the line, "Send Holley home now. Make sure you do your job flawlessly. I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Yes, sir!" the guard said over the phone.

After clarifying a number of things with his men, Rex hung up the phone.

The guard who had been talking to Rex walked over to Holley and said, "My boss says you can go home now. You can go on with your life. We'll protect you."


Feeling assured that Rex wouldn't do anything to harm her anymore, Holley let out a sigh of relief.

This whole time, her heart had been beating so fast. While the guards were examining her certificate, she had been sitting there quietly, worrying about Rex. What if he questioned the legitimacy of the document? What if he demanded to talk to the doctor? If her plan failed, there was no way Rex would leave her alone. She was doomed. There was nothing to do now but to hope for the best.


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