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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1771

The next day at the Tarsan Corporation

Everyone knew that Holley was in a terrible mood. Just a couple of days ago, she had fired a clerk who happened to cross her. Now all the employees were on their toes, afraid that the same thing would happen to them.

Holley noticed this of course and if anything, it annoyed her even more.

The secretary was just handing her a document, and she forcefully threw it aside and asked the secretary to leave.

She was going through a lot. Rex's guards were always surrounding the building to keep an eye on her. Sooner or later, they were going to find out that she wasn't really pregnant.

Her heart started to race at the mere thought of it. She forced herself to focus on work, so she wouldn't think about it anymore.

Holley heaved a small sigh when she had calmed down a bit. She knew that she had been stretching herself too thin these days. However, there was nothing else she could do. If she couldn't meet up with Black, she wouldn't be able to get pregnant for real, and Rex would find out she was lying. Then it would all be over for her.

The only option she had left was to negotiate with Rex. After much hesitation, she finally decided to do it.

Rex just went down to the main lobby.

Black wasn't willing to give in, no matter what, and this broke his heart.

The call happened to come when Rex wasn't exactly in the best mood.

"Holley, just because you're having Black's baby doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want. Who told you that you could call me?" Rex roared.

Holley didn't expect Rex to be that angry. Stunned, she was unsure how to respond, so she stayed quiet for a good minute.

Rex expected Holley to say something at least, but only heard silence through the phone. He grew even angrier. Gritting his teeth, he yelled, "Well? Say something! Are you dumb?"

"I… I want to see Black,"

Holley stuttered.

"Holley, have I been too kind to you? Do you know what you've done? How dare you!" Rex barked.

Trembling, Holley took a deep breath and answered, "Uncle Rex, I'm in the early stage of my pregnancy. I'm just afraid, and I can't sleep well. I just want to see Black. I'm not planning on doing anything else. If you don't want me to see him, it's fine. Sorry, I asked."

Holley knew that she was asking for a favor, so she made sure that she sounded pitiful. She wasn't even expecting much. Even if Rex didn't agree, she wouldn't be too disappointed.

"Never call me unless I tell you to. Leave Black alone. I can still take your life away even if you're pregnant!"

Rex threatened Holley and hung up the phone right after.

The dial tone rang in Holley's ears. She felt humiliated, and she could feel it throughout her entire body. She felt so insignificant.

She had no dignity; she had no courage; she had no freedom.

Holley angrily threw her phone to the floor. Her eyes turned red, and tears started to trickle down her face, but she forced herself to be strong and not cry.

Wiping her tears away, she told herself, "Holley, you can't give up at this point. You've come so far. If you give up now, then all your efforts would go to waste."


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