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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1779

After handing the document over to Leila, David stayed to observe how she would react.

As soon as she had finished reading, she frowned and flung the file onto the nearby table. "Are you kidding me?" she snapped. "Don't you know all the information listed here?"

"Of course, I do," David said with a smug grin.

It was clear that he found satisfaction in having successfully annoyed Leila. In stark contrast with his self-satisfied smile was Leila's vexation.

"Then why did you ask me to be here?" Leila barked. It was easy to see that David had done it on purpose—a fact he didn't bother to conceal.

"Leila, I'm afraid that you have forgotten your duty. It's your job, not mine, to solve these problems. Isn't that right? Why are you expecting me to do a job that is clearly yours?" David said without emotion. There was a hint of contempt in the way he looked at Leila. The look of amusement that had been on his face moments ago was now gone. His despise for Leila now clearly showed itself.

Hearing this, Leila realized what David had been doing all along. He had been tripping her up during Charles' absence. But he seemed to have forgotten one thing—she wasn't weak. She would not break that easily.

"Fine," Leila said curtly. "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" Wasting time on David wouldn't benefit her. Since he had asked her to finalize the document, she would do it. Besides, his position was his only leverage against her. He could only cause her trouble through this. As soon as she finished this task, he would be out of her hair.

"No, that's all. You can start enjoying your vacation once you've completed this document," David answered coldly.

Leila picked up the file from the table where she had thrown it. She cast a spiteful glance at David before finally leaving.

The entire hour that followed, Leila enlisted Alice's assistance and immersed herself in work. With Alice's help, Leila was able to finalize the document.

Meanwhile, David had dialed Charles' number the minute Leila walked out.

Charles was on the hotel rooftop overlooking urban Malaysia when he got the call. He answered the call when he saw that it was his assistant calling. "David, what's wrong?" he asked, slightly worried.

"Mr. Lu, everything is fine here. I just thought you should know that Ms. Zhang has asked for leave," David reported diligently.

Charles frowned at the mention of Leila's name. "You take care of it," he instructed.

When David realized that Charles probably didn't want to hear about Leila, he promptly changed the subject. Instead, he continued to update Charles on how other current projects were coming along. Soon, the call ended.

After hanging up the phone, Charles stayed on the rooftop for a while, enjoying the fresh air. He had been relishing the change of pace. Naturally, he wanted to take in as much of it as he could. Once he felt content, he retired to his hotel suite a little after noon.

After Charles had gotten changed, the hotel service assistant called to ask what he wanted for lunch.

This particular hotel was a luxurious one, always offering its guests world-class services. Everything its clients wanted, it provided quickly and privately. The call was an opportunity for Charles to customize his and Melissa's meal plan for that afternoon.

"We'll have two steak meals, please. We'll be down in the restaurant in a minute," he answered.

After thanking the assistant on the phone, Charles hung up and went straight to Melissa's room. He softly knocked on her door.

It was pretty late for lunch. Charles thought that Melissa should have had enough rest by now and that she should eat something.

When Melissa failed to come to the door, Charles called out to her. When that didn't work, he began knocking harder-nothing. Worried, he hurriedly called the front desk.

"Room 1505. Bring a key and get here. Now!" Charles barked his order and then hung up without waiting for a response.

The receptionist, taken aback by the strange request, quickly relayed the information to his manager. "Sir, Mr. Lu has requested our presence in Room 1505. He didn't say why."

"What are you waiting for then? Go! Send someone up there now!" the manager urged.

Just like the receptionist, the manager had no idea what Charles wanted.

Even so, years of working in the hospitality industry had taught him to always keep the clients happy. Also, strange requests were no longer new to him. Besides, Charles was a regular guest and was one of their biggest clients. The manager wouldn't dream of refusing him.


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