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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1783

Sheryl hesitated, thought for a while, and then responded with a nod and a bright smile. "Don't worry, the company is doing just fine!"

"How are things between you and Charles?" Isla asked in a more tender tone.

Isla was actually dying to ask about Leila, but with a great deal of self-restraint, she decided not to. Instead, she asked a less direct question.

Hearing Charles' name made Sheryl turn into ice. Her chest suddenly felt tight, and it seemed hard to breathe. She quickly controlled her emotions and gave a non-committal shrug. "Nothing has changed on that front too. He still refuses to divorce me, and there's nothing I can do. The only option left is to wait and go to court. Hopefully, they'll help to settle things."

"But you're still in love with him, aren't you?" Isla looked at Sheryl with a hint of disappointment.

Sheryl avoided meeting Isla's eyes, her action speaking louder than her silence. Isla knew she had hit the nail on the head.

Knowing full well that Isla had seen right through her, Sheryl was temporarily stumped and didn't know how to react. She remained silent for a while before attempting to change the topic, "You just arrived. You must be so tired, aren't you?"

"You can try to change the subject as many times as you like and try to act like everything's fine, but I'd like to see how long you can last. You know you have to deal with this, eventually,"

Isla told her with a combination of concern and annoyance. But seeing the look on Sheryl's face, she knew she wasn't going to get any further and was forced to drop the subject for the time being.

But she knew now that her gut feeling was correct. Sheryl was still deeply in love with Charles and didn't want to let go.

Isla was suddenly glad that she made the right decision. It was definitely not a good idea to tell Sheryl that Charles had gone travelling with Leila.

They walked out of the airport in silence. Aron went straight home, while Isla went to the office with Sheryl. Since Sheryl had planned to hold a welcome-back dinner for Isla, everyone in Cloud Advertising Company got off work earlier than usual and made their way to the restaurant where Sheryl had made a reservation.

"Miss Zhao, you have no idea what has happened while you were gone! Miss Xia was so busy running here and there. She barely had time to rest!" Phoebe exclaimed dramatically, looking at Isla with widened eyes.

Isla immediately saw through Phoebe. She knew there was a deeper motive behind Phoebe's playful complaining.

She couldn't help laughing at Phoebe's words. She raised her glass and said, "Oh, Phoebe dear, you really need to work on your acting skills. I know with your superior assistance, there's no way Sheryl would have overworked herself to death. You're trying to make me feel guilty, aren't you?"

Phoebe laughed guiltily when she realized she hadn't deceived Isla at all. "Oh Miss Zhao, you're too sharp! You saw right through me!"

"Okay, that's enough you two. You start jabbering like crows as soon as you meet! Don't you get tired?"

Sheryl tried to stop them halfheartedly. She helplessly shook her head at Isla and Phoebe's joking around. How were they ever going to get any work done if they were like this every time they met?

Since everyone in the company was present today, Sheryl decided to take the opportunity to turn it into a team-building activity; and, the whole company was out till nine in the evening eating and chatting.

Some of her staff wanted to go for karaoke afterward, and Sheryl was happy to foot the bill. She and Isla decided not to follow them since they both had families, with their children waiting for them at home. If they didn't leave immediately, their children would be asleep by the time they arrived home, and they would waste a whole night of quality time with the kids.

"Miss Xia, please, drive carefully, okay. Let me know when you two have reached home safely," Phoebe told Sheryl with genuine concern.

Sheryl saw Phoebe's sincerity and was touched by her loyalty. She nodded gratefully and said, "Don't worry, I'll take Isla back home. You have fun now, okay?"

Sheryl hadn't touched a single drop of alcohol, so she took on the responsibility of driving Isla home.


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