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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1787

The cunning Leila had it all planned. She had deliberately chosen a horror film, believing that it would cause Charles to feel protective toward her as they watched.

When they entered the dim cinema, the crowd stirred. All eyes were on Charles, who was unaware of the effect he had on the moviegoers. While they stared, he was trying to find a seat. Even women who were sitting with their partners studied him. After all, he was so handsome that women couldn't help but gawk at him.

The film started not long after Leila and Charles had found seats. From time to time, the audience would scream, but Charles was different. Sitting there, he felt quite detached and unhappy. He became acutely aware that he felt very differently when he was with Sheryl. Leila, on the other hand, seemed to be quite excited. She would shriek, now and then, frightened by a scary scene.

"Aaaahhh!!" Leila screamed. She tugged on the sleeve of Charles' shirt and buried her face in his shoulder.

Charles was annoyed by Leila's boldness. However, since they were in a public place, he refrained from pushing her away. After all, he was still a gentleman, and he didn't want to embarrass her.

Leila had been right in her choice of film. As she had expected, it was indeed quite frightening, and the plot was genuinely thrilling. In the two hours that it played, she never left the comfort of Charles' arm.

After this intimate couple of hours with Leila, Charles felt vaguely uncomfortable. As soon as the movie ended, he shook his arm free of Leila, pushing her in the process. Then, he stood up and began walking out with the rest of the moviegoers.

Caught off guard, Leila felt like she had just woken up from a dream, which she hadn't wanted to end. She forced an awkward smile and scrambled to her feet. Then, she followed Charles out of the cinema.

"How did you like the film, Charles? I heard it's the best one of the recent releases," Leila said, trying to make conversation.

Charles nodded slightly and grunted. He didn't even make eye contact. He then quickened his step, ready to head back to the hotel.

His lack of interest deeply disheartened Leila. She had always believed she would be able to change how he felt about her, but when would that time come?

He had agreed to the schedule she had proposed for the day, but he was obviously unhappy doing so. While they were together, Leila could feel how distant he was. He wasn't behaving the way he should, when in a relationship. Somehow, she knew he was only spending time with her for Melissa's sake.

"It was fine. Let's go back," Charles responded curtly.

The weather in Malaysia was lovely. Everywhere they looked, the comforting breeze seemed to play with the trees and with people's hair. Leila, however, wasn't amused. The cold expression on Charles' face had rendered her unable to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Hurt, she stopped walking. Meanwhile, her companion hadn't noticed, and he was steadily walking farther and farther away. She couldn't help but feel more and more upset the farther he got.

When Charles finally realized that Leila was no longer with him, he turned around to check on her. She felt a spark of hope when she saw his face. She walked toward him, closing the gap between them.

"I'm starving. Shall we get something to eat?"

Leila asked, looking at Charles with pleading eyes. She rubbed her belly as well, completing her portrayal of a hungry person.

Charles had no choice but to agree.

Soon, they came upon a nearby Western restaurant. Immediately, they went in.

"What are you having?"

Charles asked, his eyes glued to the menu.

"Beefsteak," Leila replied with a smile after a cursory look at the same menu.

"Okay," Charles nodded.

He called the waiter over and told him their order. After the waiter left, there was an awkward silence again.

Several times, Leila had wanted to come up with a topic and make conversation. However, whenever she looked at his cold eyes, she was rendered speechless.

Thankfully, the service was quick, and Leila didn't have to feel so embarrassed for long.

That was until Leila realized she had another problem. She set her utensils down on the table. As Charles ate, he noticed that Leila wasn't eating at all. He looked at her oddly but didn't say anything.

"Charles, could you help me?" Leila finally asked. She was pouting.


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