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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1789

At Sheryl's home, she was fully focused on her work.

In the past few days, sleep had abandoned her. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't fall asleep. After several failed attempts, she decided it was best to let it go.

Nowadays, she woke up earlier than Joan. So when Joan entered the living room, she caught Sheryl working. She wasn't surprised because this had begun to become Sheryl's normal state. After considering it for a while, she asked, "Ms. Xia, you're up so early lately. If you continue to live like this, you may end up being exhausted."

"Morning, Joan. Don't worry about me. I went to bed pretty early last night," Sheryl lied, not wanting to concern Joan. Then her eyes once again settled on her work.

Sheryl's response didn't convince Joan. Just by looking at Sheryl, it was evident that she hadn't had enough rest. But since there wasn't much she could do, she decided to let it go.

While Joan was engrossed in preparing breakfast, the kids woke up. They got themselves dressed, washed, and even sorted out their backpacks.

When they had everything ready, they went out of their room. However, they saw Sheryl engaged in work. They looked at each other, moved closer to their mother, and asked, "Mom, why are you working at this early hour?"

"I'm almost finished, my sweethearts. Aunt Phoebe sent me an urgent task, so I needed to solve it as soon as possible. But don't worry, it's done. Let's go and have breakfast!" Sheryl answered softly.

She looked at her adorable children with loving eyes and caressed their plump cheeks. Then she led them to the table.

Lately, her mood was always off; hence, she had neglected to accompany her children. But today, she made up her mind to take them to the kindergarten herself.

After breakfast, Clark and Shirley assumed that Sheryl might get back to work as usual. When they were ready to leave with Joan, Sheryl called them, "Kids, mom wants to take you to the kindergarten this morning, is that okay?" Sheryl looked at them with a grin.

The kids were caught off-guard by this announcement. They couldn't believe their ears. Once they were certain that Sheryl meant it, they dashed towards her with great joy. Their cute, running figures made Sheryl extremely happy.

She squatted down to embrace them in her arms.

"Mom, don't you need to go to work early today?" Clark looked at Sheryl as he asked.

Sheryl shook her head. Lovingly, she caressed his cheek and answered, "No. Mom isn't busy today. I have enough time to spare before I need to go to work. So, I can take you both to kindergarten."

"That's great! Mom, it's been so long since you took us to school," Shirley exclaimed joyfully, her face radiant.

Instead of happiness, Sheryl felt guilt course through her body. Their delighted faces showed how her time meant a great deal to them. In spite of this, she had neglected them. Turning to Joan, she reminded her to take care of the housework. Then she caught hold of her kids' hands and went to the car. They happily headed to school.

Throughout the trip, Shirley chatted. Her mom's presence was a big excitement for her. Even though the ride was short, she managed to share some interesting stories about her class. Some of them were trivial, but Sheryl enjoyed listening to them nevertheless.

However, Sheryl noticed that Clark didn't seem too happy. Ever since they left home, he had been gloomily sitting there. Sheryl didn't ask the reason behind his sadness, and instead, decided it was better to remain quiet for now.

Once they arrived, Sheryl allowed Shirley to go to her teacher. But before Clark could move, she held him back. In a gentle tone, she asked, "Clark, is something bothering you?"

"Yes, Mom. First, tell me if you are lying to us. We haven't seen Dad for a very long time. May I know why?" Clark murmured, choking with sobs.

His face turned red in agony. In spite of this, he tried to hold back his tears. He didn't want to come across as weak.

A lump started to form in Sheryl's throat as soon as she heard him. He was too young to suffer so much pain. The mere sight of him made Sheryl feel sorry.

Soothingly, she caressed Clark's head, trying to put on a smile. She explained, "Clark, dad is away on a business trip at present. I have no idea when he will return. But he promised me that he'll come to us, once he sorts out his work, okay?"

"Mom, so you weren't lying to us?" Clark stated seriously as he wiped his tears.

Sheryl shook her head slightly, continuing to wear the fake smile.


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