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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1804

Nick was at his wits' end.

After Cassie had stormed off, Nick racked his brains, trying to recall what had happened tonight, but to no avail. No matter how hard he tried, he could not remember what had gone on in his house. He only had a vague recollection of drinking with his clients, but that was it. How could he have ended up hugging that woman?

He decided to shift his focus for a moment. Trying to recall the events of tonight was a waste of time because no matter how hard he tried, it was plain impossible at the moment. Right now, the most important thing to do was to find Cassie and clear things up. He took out his phone and dialed her number. It rang and rang. No one picked up. He tried again and again but to no avail.

Nick didn't want to stay home and do nothing. His hands trembling, he thought about what might be going on in Cassie's head right now. The jingle of his keys, followed by the sound of his car's engine starting, sounded painfully loud in the quiet night. But disturbing his neighbors was the least of his concerns. He drove around the neighborhood looking for Cassie. Once he had covered enough ground and still hadn't seen any sign of her, he stopped right where he was and broke down. He rested his head against the steering wheel and contemplated.

He was growing increasingly worried by the second. Once more, he took out his phone and typed in a message to Cassie.

"Cassie, it was not what you thought it was. I can explain everything. Can we please talk in person? Please, answer my calls. I'm so worried about you. Text me back, okay?" the message read.

With shaking hands, he pressed send. Afterward, he kept his bloodshot eyes glued to his phone's screen. If his girlfriend replied, he was not going to miss it.

Three minutes went by. It remained eerily quiet in the car, and the screen display of Nick's phone had turned off automatically due to inactivity.

Nick was losing hope, but giving up now wouldn't benefit him or his relationship in any way. A barrage of text messages made their way to Cassie's phone—messages of love and apologies. For now, this was the only way for Nick to convince her to listen to him. In most of the texts, he begged for her not to be mad at him, to hear him out.

He didn't receive a single response.

It was clear as day that Cassie was determined to ignore his messages.

Nick sat there, helpless and frustrated.

Meanwhile, in her hotel room, Cassie was tossing and turning in bed.

She had closed her eyes, willing herself to fall asleep. The constant humming and vibration of her phone, however, was making the task impossible.

Cassie knew it was Nick texting her, which annoyed her more. Those messages were like a constant reminder to Cassie of how intimate Nick had been with that woman.

Since Cassie wouldn't respond to Nick's messages, he began ringing her again. When Cassie confirmed that it was him calling again, she canceled the call. Nevertheless, the dismissal was useless. The calls kept coming.

Eventually, Cassie had had enough. She turned off the vibration on her phone and squeezed her eyes shut. At last, it was quiet. Finally, when she was about to drift off to sleep, her phone played a short, familiar tone. It was a text from Nick. Apparently, she had not only turned off the vibration on her message notifications. In her exhaustion, she had also accidentally taken it off silent mode.

Upset, she grabbed her phone and furiously scrolled down through her inbox. It was all from Nick. She had told herself earlier that she wouldn't read them, lest they rendered her soft. Now, she deleted them all.

She then hurled her phone toward the end of her bed and lay back down. Annoyed and distressed, she stared blankly at the lampshade next to her. On the covering was an elegant illustration of a couple in their wedding attire. Although the image on the lamp was nearing abstraction, she could make out the smiles on the couple's faces.

Cassie used to fantasize about marrying Nick. After all, which woman had not dreamed of her own wedding, especially when she thought she had found the perfect partner to marry? Now, the realization dawned on her that perhaps her dream wedding was not going to happen. In the past, Jordan had gotten between her and Nick. Now, it was this strange woman. Maybe she and Nick just weren't meant to be together. 'When can we finally live a peaceful life? Don't we deserve that?' Cassie wondered.

After Sheryl had hung up on Isla, she thought about Nick and Cassie's situation. Immediately, she sent Isla a text reminding her to talk to Cassie before things escalated.

Young people nowadays didn't know how to treasure what they had. What a pity it would be if Nick and Cassie broke up because of a misunderstanding. They would regret it for the rest of their lives. Sheryl, who had gone through the very same thing, didn't want the two to go through such a heartbreaking experience.


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