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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1808

A confident smile spread on Leila's face as she felt that she had intimidated Sheryl.

Leila looked down at Sheryl, who was sitting with her head hung to her chest. Suddenly, to her utter surprise, Sheryl stood up.

Sheryl pushed Leila out of her way and approached the handrail. Sheryl stared blankly at the sea. Her face was pale, as white as a sheet of paper. She seemed completely oblivious to her surroundings. She climbed on the handrail, ready to plunge into the sea.

"Oh my gosh! Someone help! She is going to jump into the sea!"

"Help, help, someone is trying to commit suicide!"


People started to gather around Sheryl. Some of them were calling the police. Some of them rushed to hold her back from jumping. Some of them were taking pictures and videos. Anne had marked Sheryl's movement and rushed towards her. However, she was too late. By the time Anne could reach and grab her arm, Sheryl had already jumped into the sea. Anne's hand clutched at the air.

Anne could see Sheryl jump off the handrail. She was too scared to watch Sheryl fall into the water, and she covered her eyes immediately.

But to her surprise, she could not hear the splashing sound of the water. Then gradually, words of relief expressed by people around her came to her ears. She opened her eyes slowly and saw that the police had caught Sheryl. They rescued her in time!

Anne heaved a great sigh of relief, her hand on her chest. She slowly walked to Sheryl.

"Let go of me. I want to be with Charles. Let go of me…" The police held Sheryl's hands tightly, but Sheryl was struggling hard to free herself. Tears kept rolling down from her cheeks incessantly.

The police felt sorry for Sheryl. They tried their best to console her, but they were interrupted.

"It's me. It's entirely my fault. Charles died because of me…" Sheryl muttered pointing a finger at herself.

She grew uncontrollable with every passing moment. She was devastated at having watched Charles drown right in front of her eyes. She was inconsolable.

The police felt very sorry for Sheryl. They had asked people nearby about what had actually happened to cause Charles to fall overboard. Everybody present confirmed that they had seen Sheryl and Charles fighting. But none of them had seen Sheryl pushing Charles into the sea. Therefore, it wasn't sure that Sheryl was the one who was responsible for Charles' death.

"Miss, please, calm down. We don't know anything yet. We will investigate it," the police said to Sheryl.

But Sheryl was not in a state to listen to them. She continued to weep incessantly. She immersed herself in her sorrow and kept thinking about Charles falling into the sea. She kept blaming herself for the unfortunate accident. She shouldn't have acted on impulse.

She cried and cried until she lost all her strength. She leaned against the handrail, and gradually her weeping died down.

The police relaxed a little when Sheryl finally stopped crying. The people surrounding Sheryl didn't go away either. The police realized that they wouldn't get anything useful for the time being. Therefore, they decided to go back to the police station first.

"Let's go to the police station," the police officer said to his colleagues and for gestured them to take Sheryl from the boat.

"Come with us to the police station," the police said to Leila, thinking that she was the witness and might know what happened exactly.

"Sure, I can prove to you that Sheryl is the one who pushed Charles into the sea," Leila said to the police confidently.

"We'll ask you later," the officer said to Leila before they headed from the boat.

Soon, they reached the police station. Sheryl remained silent throughout, while Leila kept telling the police how badly Sheryl had been treating Charles.

"Although there is no evidence to prove the murder, I am 100 percent sure that it was Sheryl who caused this. Please, bring her to justice!" Leila looked at the police determinedly.

"We don't need you to tell us what to do. We do everything based on evidence. This one-sided story doesn't work for us," the officer said and shot a stern look at Leila. Her nonstop blabbering was getting on his nerves.

Leila realized that the police were getting annoyed by her words. Hence, she lowered her head and kept murmuring to herself.

"Okay, stop it now," the officer snapped at Leila, annoyed.


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