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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 189

Softhearted as he is, Charles consoled Yvonne. She had just lost her baby and the doctor said that she had less than thirty percent chance of conceiving again in the future. Charles felt sorry for her.

His words of consolation gave Yvonne hope somehow. She stepped forward, holding his hand and said, "Charles, you still care about me. You must love me, or you would not comfort me today."

"Have you lost your mind?" Charles got rid of her hands and stepped back. "Haven't I made myself clear before? If you dare make any more trouble for Autumn, I promise that I will take some steps next time and you will regret it."

"Charles, if you dare leave me alone today, I will call the police right away. I will tell them it was Chris who pushed me and caused my miscarriage. If she gets arrested, how long do you think she will be imprisoned?" Yvonne burst into sneer. She thought Charles would be threatened but he remained expressionless.

"Are you threatening me?" Charles coldly asked, squinting at her.

Filled with guilt, Yvonne hesitated. But she could no longer take back what she had just said. She was convinced that Charles could not bear his sister going to jail and that she could win him back.

"Yes. You can regard it as a threat." Yvonne kept smiling stubbornly and continued, "Charles, Chris is your only sister. You probably don't want her spending a minute in jail. This won't do you any good. Think carefully."

"Do you think you can threaten me?" Charles shook his head. Yvonne was too simple-minded and she may have forgotten that Charles was a big shot in Y City. He was capable enough to make people believe that it was just an accident. Who the hell did she think she was? He would not bow to anyone.

"Yvonne, no matter what you do, I won't be with you, let alone fall in love with you. Just give up and stop this madness." He then walked out of the room, leaving her alone and furious.

"What is going on? Tell me. Did she promise not to sue Chris?" Autumn rushed up to Charles as he stepped out. Her anxiety almost overwhelmed her. Yvonne's hysterical cries could be heard from the ward but Autumn could do nothing but wait outside. She was afraid that the situation would get worse if she went in.

"I have thought about it for a long time. If Yvonne insisted on suing Chris, I would take the blame. Yvonne would love that and she won't object to it. It was all my fault. Chris got involved in this trouble because of me and I don't want her to get hurt. I have to protect her." said Autumn. She had taken all of the consequences into account and has decided to take the blame for Chris.

Charles didn't know whether to laugh or cry upon hearing such an absurd idea. "And where did that ridiculous idea come from? Is that what you have been thinking all day long?"

"What's wrong with it? Won't it work?" Perplexed, Autumn gazed at Charles. It was the best solution that she could think of. If this didn't work, she didn't know what else to do.

"Don't worry about that. Let's go home." Charles put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry too much about it. I will take care of it. As long as I am here, no one could hurt you and Chris, " he added. They left the hospital hand in hand.


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