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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1944


"Clark, don't worry. Father will come here to pick us up soon. We just need to wait for him." Shirley looked at Clark with a big smile.

As she saw the two chatting by themselves, Sheryl stood awkwardly beside them. Her presence was long forgotten, which made her feel useless and unneeded.

Shirley and Clark had spent the whole day playing together. Although they're safe now, Sheryl still felt worried.

The next day

All the bodyguards, who protected her and her children, would leave. Before they left, the bodyguards approached Sheryl respectfully and said, "Mrs. Xia, the issue has been resolved. You're all safe now. We will escort you back home." They had already done their job remarkably well.

"All right. Thank you!" Sheryl sincerely thanked them and nodded her head politely.

At that time, her children woke up. Sheryl and her children packed up everything for the journey home.

On their way home, the two children chatted happily and didn't notice that they had arrived at their villa already. The whole ride only took them less than half an hour.

The bodyguards helped them unload their belongings and led them inside the villa before promptly leaving.

As soon as they had unpacked, the two children went out to play with their friends. Sheryl advised them not to stray too far from home and to return early.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

After she heard the doorbell, Sheryl was baffled. She wasn't expecting anyone and didn't know who it might be.

Without trying to guess, she directly opened the door.

Before her stood a smiling Damian.

"Why are you here?" Sheryl smiled at Damian and let him come into the house.

Damian scrutinized and looked at Sheryl up and down with a grin. This made Sheryl both self-conscious and embarrassed at the same time.

"What's up? Why are you looking at me like that?" As she felt and touched her face, she wondered if there were some dirty smudges on her face. And perhaps that was the reason why Damian was staring at her.

"Where did you go without saying goodbye to me?" Damian didn't worry about Sheryl any further because she was already in front of him, safe and sound. His perturbed heart finally calmed down. However, he felt aggrieved. He was indignant that she didn't even bother telling him she'd be leaving or where she was going.

She took notice of his feelings showing on his face and felt embarrassed. Forcing a smile, she scratched her head and explained, "I had to leave urgently to deal with some problems that cropped up. I left in a hurry and didn't have time to say goodbye to you. I'm sorry."

"Did you know how much I was worried about you? I was searching for you all this time. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." Although he was seriously chiding her, his concern was clearly apparent as he lovingly gazed at her.

His affectionate gaze was obvious, but she still mistook it. They had only been acquainted for a few days, how come he was directing this much attention at her? It was dubious he'd been that worried for her.

"I'm truly sorry. I left in a rush," Sheryl replied as she invited Damian to come inside her house.

"All is well. I at least know that you're safe now. I need to go, see you later." It seemed that Damian was elated to see her returned. He had thought he wouldn't see her again. He turned on his heels and left after he confirmed her safety.

When Sheryl saw his back, his silhouette reminded her of Charles.

They looked similar. Both of them always didn't say what was on their minds straightforwardly. Still, their characters and personality differed. They were similar, yet so different.

Damian didn't dare to say what he felt, while Charles wasn't really talkative. So Sheryl had to guess what they wanted to say.

As she pondered the differences between the two, a gentle smile appeared on her face.

At Australia's airport

Charles took a deep breath and happily declared, "Sher, I'm coming! Wait for me!"

Almost half a day later, they had finally arrived. Charles brimmed with excitement. David also felt relieved as he saw his boss' smile.

"Mr. Lu, where will you head first, the branch or Sheryl's home?" David saw the car had arrived, but Charles stood still. Therefore, he had no choice but to ask him.


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