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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1957

Melissa couldn't help but be worried as she watched the exhausted Charles climb up the stairs.

However, she knew she couldn't do anything even if she wanted to. She couldn't get involved in Charles' relationships again. She'd already done that in the past, and she wouldn't repeat the same mistakes.

When Charles went back to his room, he couldn't fall asleep. He couldn't get his mind off what had happened at the marriage registration office.

It had been quite obvious that Sheryl was upset because she was shaking, but she didn't cry a single tear.

Charles despised himself for being the way he was.

Was the life of some random person more important than his marriage with Sheryl?

The gravity of something's importance is difficult to discern, especially in this case. If Charles had to choose, he'd choose his life with his wife and kids over some random person's life. However, he knew he couldn't do that.

Charles wanted to shout and scream in anger, but he wasn't that type of person, so he kept it to himself.

While Sheryl tried to conceal her sadness, it still showed. To the people around her, it was quite obvious, and they couldn't help but be worried about her.

Joan then realized it was time to pick up the kids at the kindergarten.

Her mind was racing. The keen kids couldn't help but notice, so they kept badgering her, asking her what she was thinking. She couldn't bring herself to say a word.

Joan knew that she shouldn't have made the kids worry about her, so she managed a smile. "Nothing. I'm just thinking about what I should cook for dinner tonight."

"Really?" Clark looked at Joan in disbelief.

Joan felt restless under Clark's scrutinizing gaze. She scratched her head, put on a smile, and looked away.

When they arrived home, she took the kids upstairs and put their school bags away.

When Sheryl heard the sound of the door opening, she washed her face to make sure she looked fine. Then she went out to the living room to greet the kids.

"Mommy, why are you home so early today?" Shirley asked as soon as she saw Sheryl.

Clark then glanced at Sheryl too. He asked, sounding confused, "Mommy, why are your eyes red? Did you cry?"

"Clark, why are you asking that? Mommy didn't cry." Sheryl looked at Clark as if in disbelief. She'd never admit this to the kids.

"Didn't you?" Clark insisted.

Sheryl got down on her knees to give Clark a smile and a hug. "Mommy's fine. Go wash your hands and play with your sister while dinner's being cooked."

The two kids merely nodded and turned to leave.

Joan looked at Sheryl with much concern.

Sheryl didn't want Joan to worry about her, so she flashed her a smile and urged her to prepare dinner. Then she headed to her bedroom.

That night, Sheryl was restless. To her kids, she looked fine, but in herself, she knew something wasn't right. She was exhausted by the time the kids went to bed.

When she sat back in her chair, tears suddenly came pouring out.

Joan heard the sound of sobbing from the living room. She felt uneasy, so she went to check on Sheryl. She sighed. "Ms. Xia, what happened?"


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