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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1991

After Sheryl walked out, Melissa let out a huge sigh of relief. 'It's the right time, ' she thought. She was dying to find out who the man was.

It was the usual meeting where employees reported their progress. The meeting wound up at a fast pace, and Sheryl took her time to clean up everything. As soon as she was settled, she began to work on the task that was to be assigned for the next month.

Melissa quickly snuck out of Sheryl's office and began to inspect the meeting room. Sheryl was engrossed in the discussion, and Melissa grabbed the opportunity to do what she'd come for. She immediately walked into the office and looked at the flower intently–trying to find any clues. A minute had passed–she hadn't found anything yet.

The gorgeous flowers didn't catch Melissa's attention–it was the person who'd given it to Sheryl that bothered her. As she wondered who it could've been and right at that moment, she stumbled on a card.

Some words were scribbled on the card, but it didn't bear the name of the sender. As she studied the writing style, Melissa concluded that it was perhaps from a man.

Melissa felt that it was pointless, staring at the flowers, and she walked out. She was disappointed that she couldn't find any clues that would lead her to the man. Feeling defeated, she went back to see Sheryl.

Sheryl had wrapped up the meeting and was working alone.

"Are you done with the meeting?" Melissa was standing at the door, beaming at Sheryl.

Sheryl gave a quick nod and continued with her work as Melissa took a seat.

Melissa had thought that she should ask Sheryl directly about the man, but every time she gathered the courage to confront Sheryl, she would decide against it–and ultimately, she swallowed her words.

It was lunchtime, and Sheryl was still busy with her work, until Phoebe walked in, and reminded that it was lunch break already. "It's time to have lunch. Are you hungry? Want to have lunch together?" Sheryl asked Melissa.

"I'd love to. I hope it's alright." Melissa didn't want to bother Sheryl too much. She felt that her behavior and actions had a lot to do with Sheryl's relationship with her son. She didn't want to be the reason for Sheryl's detachment from Charles.

"Absolutely. What would you like to have?" Sheryl and Melissa walked out of the office together.

Melissa was surprised by Sheryl's question. She thought she should suggest Sheryl's favorite food, but that was when it hit her–she knew nothing about Sheryl. She didn't know what she liked and disliked.

Melissa was instantly drowned in shame. She'd been Sheryl's mother-in-law for years, yet she knew nothing about her. She hadn't paid enough attention to her son's wife, after all.

"How about Vietnamese food? They're your favorite, aren't they?" Sheryl suggested casually.

That was enough to strike Melissa's guilt. Sheryl had known her very well, but she'd never given much thought to her.

"I'm so sorry, Sheryl. We've been together as a family for years. Yet, I don't even know what you like to eat," said Melissa as tears clouded her eyes.

"Oh, please don't say that. It isn't a big deal." Sheryl had no idea how to comfort the old woman. It was indeed her fault–she had never cared for her. But what could she say?

Should she be mad at her for being cold to her and her kids? Should she ask her all the questions that had been buzzing in her head all these years?

She didn't deserve what she'd gone through, but she'd remained quiet. That was Sheryl–regardless of the troubles she'd endured, the problems she'd faced, she didn't have the heart to accuse Melissa.

"Sher, would you have stayed with Charles if I'd never done those things?" Melissa finally let out what had been weighing on her heart for so long. She had mustered all her courage to face her past, which was haunting her. She'd been quiet for so long, besides the simple apology she'd asked the other night. But that wasn't enough–how could it be? She knew that it wasn't over, and she had to talk to Sheryl about it.

"Whatever happened between me and Charles was because of us. It's got nothing to do with you. Stop blaming yourself," said Sheryl nonchalantly. "I know a good Vietnamese restaurant nearby. Let's go there." Sheryl didn't want to talk about any of this.

She knew why Melissa was here. However, she'd put an end to the chapter that was in the past and had finally bid goodbye to Charles after a lot of struggle. She didn't want to be reminded about the past, about what she'd gone through. It would only hurt her and make her weak.

Melissa felt it wasn't right to talk about it further and remained silent.


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